Chapter two ~ New paths

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- Achilles? Patroclus? It's me.

Both me and Patroclus turned around. In front of us there was our dear friend Briseis, looking just like how we remembered her. She had a huge smile in her face and she had a positive vibe we hadn't seen before in her. Patroclus was the first to break the silence.

- Oh my, it is really you, he said in excitement. 

- We finally met again, she said and hugged us both.

- It's so good to see you, Briseis, I said. Where have you been this whole time?

- You can blame my gods for that, she said laughing. I was a ghost, since my body was never found it's our rule to become ghosts for five years and only then we can reach the underworld. I guess everyone despite their beliefs ends up at this exact place.

- I was once a ghost, Patroclus said. It was awful, how did you manage?

- I actually had company, Briseis said. A few other people died back then in a similar way,  but that cruel leader who killed me managed to reach underworld almost instantly. I even saw him some time ago, he should be wandering around for all eternity as a punishment for the deaths he's responsible of!

I looked at Patroclus. He was as worried as I was. How would I tell to my friend that the reason she is dead is actually my son? How would I tell her that my son is the one who took her dreams and hopes away? How could I tell her such a thing?

- What do you mean, Briseis?

- Patroclus, I was killed, she responded. I didn't die of a sickness, people are lying. After your death, Achilles, a new leader, called Pyrrus, took over. He claimed to be your son, but I didn't believe him, you and Patroclus are together since you were young, you guys told me that. He wanted to claim me, as he thought I was doing things with you the same way other girls did with other warriors. I tried to explain, but he didn't understand, so I tried to kill him. Obviously, I didn't manage anything more than hurt him and I tried to escape at the sea, hoping the gods will help me. He killed me right when I was starting to believe I will survive, she said in tears.

- Achilles, should we tell her?

- Tell me what, Achilles?

- I guess she deserves to know, I said. Briseis, I do have a son, his name is Neoptolemus and I had him in Skyros with Deidamia, when my mother hid me there in order to make me live longer by avoiding the war. I went anyway, but that's only because Patroclus found me. I know that might be a shock to you, but I met my son after his death for the first time, I didn't even know I had a son until then. Please, Briseis, my son was controlled by my mother, you remember how much of a control freak she was. She is now punished and sentenced to never watch the sunlight again. My son didn't mean to kill you, Briseis, you of all people know how much war can blind us. Please, forgive him and us, for hiding this from you, I begged her on my knees.

- Get up, she said in an angry voice. Did he or did he not kill me, Achilles? What does it mean that he didn't mean it? Get away from me, both of you, I want nothing to do with you, she shouted.

- Please, Patroclus said, he is telling the truth, don't waste our friendship over a misunderstanding.

- That's what my death is to you? A misunderstanding? I had dreams, I wanted to find a husband, start a family, have many kids, now I can't do any of that because of that child of yours! Curse you, Achilles, curse your son too, she said and left in tears.

- Wait, please, I screamed.

She didn't even turn to look at us. Patroclus was crying and so was I. We headed back to our room, thinking the day cannot get any worse than that. Neoptolemus was waiting for us, looking stressed.

- Father, he said while running to me. Something bad happened. Please help me.

- Calm down, I said, how can I help you?

- That friend of yours, Briseis, is asking Hades to vanish me, he said in a scared voice.

I sat straight into a chair. Besides being said that this was the greatest dishonour of the dead, vanishing was meant to happen only to those who are cruel in life and death.

- Hades doesn't even vanish bad people, Patroclus said, why would he vanish you?

- Apparently he has been told my her that I bother her in non apropriate ways, he said while hugging me tight.

- Calm down, I said to him while stroking his hair, no one is getting my son vanished, please don't cry. 

- Why don't you stay with us for a while? I am sure your father has no problem with it, Patroclus said.

- Yes, stay with us for as long as you need, I told him. Please, stop hugging me so hard, I'm in pain, I said laughing.

He let go of me and sat near me. I was glad Patroclus was okay with my son being around us. I loved my son and I loved Patroclus for caring for my child like he is his son too.

- I will go talk to her tomorrow, I said. Patroclus, do you mind taking Neoptolemus to Hades and explain the situation? 

- Sure, he said. Neoptolemus, I am preparing a bed for you, feel free to stay as long as you want and ask us for whatever you need. We will take care of this, no one gets to vanish you.

- Thank you, Patroclus. Father, you got a great man taking care of you, he said.

- Finally, someone said the truth, Patroclus said. People believe your father is taking care of me, he said teasingly.

- What do you mean by that? Am I not taking care of you? 

- Let's say you do, Patroclus said laughing. But without me, Neoptolemus, your father would have died once again because the man cannot cook to save his life, he said bursting into laughter.

- Now I know why I almost burned the palace down when I tried to cook one time when I was still in Skyros, Neoptolemus said laughing.

- One day I'll manage to cook, I said annoyed, you guys are mean.

- No we're not, Neoptolems said, we're just honest.

- Fair enough, I said laughing.

I was glad we calmed him down and we would have him near us for a while, but I was pretty concerned about why Briseis would do such a thing. We didn't ask her to forgive him, neither I nor Patroclus like it when we run into the people who killed us, but we just avoid them and continue our day. We're not happy that my son killed our friend but we both trust him that this was an act he seriously regrets. Watching him now, eating and laughing with us, I realise how pure hearted he has grown to be. We did have an influence on him, but still, he has changed for the better. War is not for kids like him, he was just another victim of my mother's expectations. He is not like me, he is not like my mother, he is his own person and that's what I like in him. He has grown to be a pretty good kid and I really am grateful he is part of our lives in the underworld. I am glad I got to meet him and help him become the person he is and I know for sure that both me and Patroclus are not letting anyone harm him in any way. Not even the gods.

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