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Many books have been told about this particular country, we know her as like the sun . Bright, happy, and friendly. Many stories were written about her  going to school and meeting friends , so here is mine ...

Author's pov
Phil was sleeping soundly as she inhaled and exhaled , filling her lungs with air . Phil has already packed her things filling it with clothes and other things she'll need. Since today is the day Phil will attend a university. Sunborn university, yes it isn't a school for a nation like her since there aren't any nations who study there  .

Martial's pov
Me and Phil have been throwing prank wars all summer, but this time it will be more epic , I snuck into Phil's room as she slept soundly. I went to her study desk and saw the application she filled up for university in her laptop . And she got accepted. I declined the offer and closed her laptop , I know what I'm doing is wrong but as much as I love my sister I don't want her to go to that trash school . I know cause I went there , in addition that school doesn't even have nations that graduated there .

But little does Phil know I signed her up for a different school  a week ago and  she got accepted. UN academy . A school built for her . A school who will accept her . I grabbed Phil's  laptop once more and opened the side where I signed Phil for . And shut her laptop and quietly went out of her room . And  Yeah I will miss her a lot but what can I do ? I then started to Cook and prepare something things before phil leaves .

Phil's pov
I woke up to the sunlight that was tickling my face . I got up . What time even is it ? I cheaked my wall clock to see that I only have 6 minutes to prepare .


I cussed at my self and ran to the bathroom to prepare. I took a shower and after taking a shower I brushed my teeth, I can't believe I would wake up late for my first day of my first school. I then plugged my hair dryer and dried my hair . I was exited to join a new school an meet other people but the school works not so much . I guess you can say that I hate school but at the same time I love it .  After blowing my hair I ran out of my bathroom and walked over to my hanged up clothes that I prepared yesterday for to day . I removed my towel that was wrapped around me and put on my undergarments . And for my clothes I decided to ware a white turtleneck and a paper of cargo brown pants and a brown coat to top it all off . I tied my hair up into a high ponytail leaving two strands in the front and I also put a little light make up .

I then left my room pulling my back with me . I'm gonna miss my room but it will be all fine because I'll be back in spring break. I closed my room's door and pulled my bag out . It's heavy especially I have two bags with me . As I pulled I was able to reach the kitchen and found my brother cooking pancakes.

"Good morning" he turned around looking at me "good morning" I said with a smile on my face . As he flipped the pancake as he flipped the pancake , I swapped his coffee and my coffee that he made for both of us . I know he did something with it because these passed days we've been pranking each other. I turned around again but with a two plates of pan cakes on his hand . He placed them on the table and sat down across the small table . I then smiled a little switching both my and marcial's pancakes "I didn't put anything here" he muttered "ya , right" I rolled my eyes at him as he chuckled.

"So are you excited for your first day ?" he said that gave me an impression of a parent. I never met my mother nor my father, they passed away before I even got to know them . "Not quite" I say conserned for marcial since he'll be all alone. It's been always like this it's just me and him . But we had an older brother before . Del Pilar , but he left us both without leaving anything behind. But somehow or in some way eversince I was 6 year old I would accept birthday cards from him , but I sometimes wonder why did he left ? Was it because he didn't want to be with us anymore ? Was it because he had other things to do on his life ? Or was it because of me ?

I took a bite of the pancake and immediately ran to the kitchen sink "fuck you" I say now drying  my mouth with a towel as marcial laughed . He must've put so much salt on his pancakes and expected me to swap them . "Hey that's mine" I said as he grabbed my coffee "I made it" he said as he drank it forgetting that he must've put also something in it . But I was insatiable to see that his face didn't flinched as he smirked at me and chuckled "I hate you" I said "I love you too" he mockingly said and drank his coffee. I then opened the fridge and grabbed a protein bar instead.

I sliced the protein bar in half looking if marcial put any worm inside like he did a day ago but it was normal . " I hope you're happy for your new school" he says as he now started to do the dishes. "Why do you care , you don't even like my new school" I say as I Munched on my protein bar "I didn't say that" he says "liar" I uttered finishing my protein bar as he was done doing the dishes "I'll bring you to school" Marcial muttered "whatever- I'll wait in the car" I say and grabbed my bags that was carelessly on the floor.

I grabbed my bags and Marcial gave me the keys. I opened the car's trunk and put my bags inside . I sighed taking one look at our small house. Growing up I didn't have any much , you also can say that to marcial . This house was the only thing that my parents left for us and we never said anything about it . And what would me and Marcial do with a house ? I lit a cigarette , I was about to put it in my mouth but marcial grabbed it and threw it on the floor "you're 17 , you're never gonna smoke again  , now give" he says as I rolled my eyes and gave him one small box of cigarettes.

I then went inside the car and sat on the back since I don't want to sit on the passenger seat because it's gonna be a long ride to my new school sunborn academy. Marcial says that it's a school for 'stuborn' people but it's actually a pretty great school , marcial went there and all he could do is have fights with everyone even the teachers.

I opened my phone and plugged my headset before putting on some music as the car move and Marcial drove . I love long road trips for the reason I would sleep in the car and all I could see out the window was the places that I was passing by it felt like I was safe .

~time skip~

My brother woked me up , he was shaking me and reapeating the words 'wake up' . "Hey where here" he says as I stepped out of the car . And looked at my surroundings it was filled with pine trees and bushes, the clouds where gray and it looked like it was going to rain . And Infront of me was a huge school with students going inside. But this isn't the school I enrolled in "this isn't sunborn university" I say "I know you're gonna like it here instead of your stuborn university"  he mockingly said "come back here" I say annoyed and also mad at him" but before I could he went inside the car and slammed the door and drove away . As I threw a middle finger at him "fuck you" I shouted as he also brought out a middle finger and I could only watch as he drove away . And it started raining, could this day get any worse . As the rain rained on me .

This must have been a prank . I then kicked a rock "you are Philippines if I'm not mistaken" a voice said behind me I then turned around seeing a male that looks like he's in his 40's "I'm EU , nice to meet you" he extended his hand expecting a hand shake but I didn't shake his hand "yes I'm Philippines but this is a mistake , you see my brother is the one who signed me up here as one of his stupid and dumb pranks" I explained "oh and Marcial is your brother , well he was pretty serious of you signing up here . He said that it will great if you spend your days here .

"Well nevermind what he said , because I want to fucking leave this school" I say as I looked at EU's disgusted face with my words "I'm sorry but you need to understand that-" EU stopped me with his words "maybe you could discuss this with UN" he says as he walk in and turned to me as a sign for follow him . I carried my things and followed him .

I was amazed because of the driveway of the huge school it was like a school from the books. The green wet grass  and the white roses decorated the surroundings . And the building structure looked like old money . I heard many stories about this school and all I got was positive responses . But one thing I don't like is the weather. It's like it's 95% chance that's it's raining , gray clouds , cold and 5% chance that the sun with come up and shine it's way through.

I entered the hall and to my shock it really looked like old money. Students who were in their blue uniform looked at me but I don't give two fucks . I followed EU to a room and as I went inside EU closed the door. I believe that this is the principal's office.

"EU what's the matter ?" A voice sounded from the room and that's where a saw a man who was seated down with a lot of paper and folders on he's desk "I believe that we have a lost student." EU says and one thing I noticed that he wasn't very happy , I've done a bad impression on him .

United Nations Academy [ Countryhumans Philippines] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now