Chapter 59 - Forgivable Curses

Start from the beginning

"Of course," one figure - Albus - said, "Elphias, I'll see you later."

The other figure - Doge, the boy with dragon pox - hurried off in the direction the two had been heading. Probably scared off by the Gaunt name, he mused to himself.

"Where were you headed?" Ominis asked, "We can walk and talk."

"Er, the Great Hall..." Albus said, and Ominis could hear some barely concealed nervousness in his voice.

"Ah, you two were headed the wrong way..." Doge was long gone, and Ominis frowned. "Well, hopefully your friend finds it. Shall we?"

They turned, Albus falling into step beside him. Ominis hesitated, unsure how to start, but the boy anticipated the topic.

"You want to know about my father, right?" Albus asked, a hint of wariness in his voice.

"Yes," Ominis said slowly, "I've heard conflicting rumors on whether or not you... think as he does. I was curious to know the truth."

"I do not agree with my father's actions," Albus said stiffly, "And if you think that muggles are not..."

Ominis raised a hand, cutting the boy off.

"I only ask because I, too, and from a family whose... beliefs I do not agree with," Ominis said, "And I know what it's like to come to a school where your name, and your family's deeds, precede you. So I thought I'd, er, extend an offer of help. If you ever need anything just ask."

Albus was quiet for a long minute, long enough that Ominis started fidgeting with the hem of his sleeve. Perhaps he'd overstepped - it had been rather abrupt. And he was a seventh year... perhaps he'd made the boy uncomfortable. However, he stilled his fretting when he heard Albus draw in a small breath.

"Thank you," he said, then hesitated. "I... appreciate it. Do... do the rumors ever die down?"

Ominis smiled wryly, thinking of Fawley's comment just earlier.

"They can," he said, "But it helps if you put yourself out there, let people get to know you for themselves. I wish I had started doing that sooner."

"Ah, I see," Albus said quietly.

"And don't be afraid to go to the professors," Ominis added, thinking of Professor Weasley's intervention with Marvolo's letters the previous year. "They're here to help, if you need it. Aria Blackwell too - the library aide - she's also faced some troubles because of her family name. She's a good friend."

"Thank you, that's good to know," Albus said, "I'll have to say hello to her."

There was another awkward silence, and Ominis cast around for another subject. They weren't too far from the Great Hall, but far enough it would be weird to walk in silence. Ominis wasn't used to chit-chat, nor speaking to someone so young.

"So," he said at last, "How are you liking Hogwarts so far? Any favorite classes?"

"Oh! I love the castle, it's fascinating - if difficult to navigate," Albus said, "All the classes are great, but I think Transfiguration may be my favorite subject so far."

"The trickiest subject, eh?" Ominis said with a chuckle. "Aiming high then. I can't say I've ever been particularly fond of the subject - though I do have a great respect for it."

"Is it because of your eyes?" Albus asked, sounding curious and enthusiastic before he seemed to remember himself, and said more contritely. "Er, sorry, you don't have to..."

Ominis smiled. "Yes, I am blind. And it does seem to reflect in my transfiguration skills."

"Oh, that is interesting," Albus said, voice lowering to a whisper as he contemplated. "I wonder..."

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