I stared at my computer for what felt like forever, waiting for the email containing my schedule.  About an hour later, that email finally arrived. 

Dear Y/n, 

We are happy to have you on The Little Mermaid team! Your schedule is as follows:

February 18th: Cast Meet 

April 10th, 2019-July 25th, 2019: Training, Rehearsals, and Read Throughs. 

August 30th 2019- December 2nd, 2019: Filming in London

January 2020- April 2020: Filming In Sardinia, Italy

End of April 2020: Finish Filming (i.e Re-records, etc.)

BREAK - Production, Editing, Voice Acting, CGI Work

April 2023 (Estimation) - Press Tour With Co-Stars

May 8th, 2023 (Estimation) - World Premier

May 15th, 2023. (Estimation) - London Premier

May 26th, 2023 (Estimation) -Movie Released in Theaters


You will be provided with specific details about when and where to arrive in a separate email. Please be sure to respond quick as possible when needed and we look forward to working with you! 


I happily marked my calendar and just then, I heard a knock at the door. I jumped out of my comfy seat on the couch and ran to open the door. When I opened it, I heard a familiar voice.

"I missed you so much!!!!" I heard. Wait, It couldn't be..Maddie?

"Maddie?" I questioned before even looking up. And to my surprise, it was her! Maddie, THE Maddie that I  hadn't seen in over 6 months, and she  was standing on my front doorstep! "oh my gosh I'm going to cry!" I squealed in joy as I hugged my friend tight and held her close. 

"Oh my gosh y/n I missed you so much I can't believe that I'm finally seeing you again!" Maddie said as she finally broke free from the hug. I  had not seen Maddie due to her busy schedule as a musician. She played the bass. She had a ton of listeners, 24 Million to be exact, on Spotify. Sometimes I couldn't believe how far my friend had come. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I thought it was quite weird she had just shown up at my door out of the blue. 

"I'm here to visit you of course! I also heard from a little birdie that you got back into auditioning and I'm dying to know how that's going." Maddie replied. I decided it might be best to at least get out of the entryway of my house before I told Maddie that I booked the role. 

"I am so glad that you are here girl, but sit down on the couch I have to tell you something!" I gestured for her to sit on the couch as I sat down myself. 

"Ok..." Maddie replied, a suspicious look on her face. 

When she finally sat down, I was so eager to tell her the news, I barely sat down before I shot up again and shouted the news:

"I booked the role of Ariel!" I shouted, I  I looked down to see Maddie, mouth agape, not knowing how to respond. 

"what." Maddie responded

"You heard me"

"WHAT!!!" Maddie repeated. "Are you kidding me???"

"Of course not!" 

"Oh my gosh Y/n that's so amazing!! I- I can't believe this this is incredible! How? Are they doing some type of remake?" I nodded my head as Maddie shot up too. "That's so cool! Wait wait wait, the real important question is who is casted as Prince Eric? Is he cute?"

"Oh my gosh of course that's the first thing that comes to your mind.." I responded, rolling my eyes and letting out a chuckle. "Well they actually haven't told me who was casted as Eric, or anyone else who was casted actually. I just got the call today! In a week I'm going to a meet-and-greet. And also, you can't tell anyone because it's confidential for a little while more. Promise?" I said.  Maddie nodded her head. "Ok great. But yeah, they haven't told me who was cast yet."

She scoffed."That sucks, well hopefully he's cute." She said.  I chuckled as I gestured her to sit down on the couch. I went to the kitchen to fetch her some popcorn, and when I returned, Maddie had already started a movie. She had put on the original The Little Mermaid, of course. 


Author's Note: This part was originally written in 3rd person, so if you catch any "her's, she, etc.." while referring to y/n, those are mistakes I didn't catch. So sorry!

𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐉.𝐇.𝐊Where stories live. Discover now