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A week went by rather quickly and Asher knew that he would soon meet his death in Kraina-czarów's capital city.

For a week, Asher couldn't sleep. He'd lay awake, suffocating in his own thoughts and fears. Unfortunately, he couldn't speak to Winslow about this--it would terrify him.

Asher's mother had been avoiding him since she broke the news about Henry's death to Asher.

Asher didn't eat very much during that week either; he'd eat one meal on the days he felt up to it, but other than that, he barely ate at all.

Finally, he couldn't stand waiting for his inevitable demise anymore.

Asher headed out of his room, down to the door, and toward the bus station, knowing that he'd easily be picked up by Kowalcyzk's guards that way--he was right.

In almost no time at all, Kowalcyzk's guards found him, placing a sack over his head.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

Asher woke up in a cell to the sounds of dripping water.

"Well, hello, sleepy-head," a voice chuckled.

Asher turned his head looking through the bars at who was there-Kowalcyzk herself.

"I'm just telling you that you'll be executed tomorrow morning," the president said, smiling.

Asher had a frown upon his face. He exhaled. Clearly, he still was afraid.

Kowalcyzk began, "Oh, don't look so glum! This is for the best for Kraina-czarów." She arose and headed down the hallway.

And then, Asher found himself drifting off again, knowing all he'd be greeted with in the dream realm was nightmares.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

Not even an hour later, Asher awoke to hear what sounded like knocking on a wall. He arose, trying to peer out the cell's window to see what had been making that noise. He was startled to see the bars on the window being knocked out by a baseball bat.

Asher flinched, ducking until all of the bars were smashed out.

Then, Asher pulled his head out of the crook of his arm and gazed out the window.

There stood Amy and Pedro.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asher hissed. "You're going to get killed!"

"We're freeing you," Amy simply said. "Now crawl out that window."

Asher gazed back at the hallway and then back to the window. He didn't want to die; the thought of death absolutely terrified him. He inhaled. As fast as he could, he gripped the opening off the window, pushing himself up, and crawled through the window, now knowing that he, himself, had just committed his first crime.

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