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Asher flopped back onto his bed. He felt as though it was hard for him to breathe. He closed his eyes.

How could they lie to me like that?, Asher thought.

Both two of his parents had told him that they were getting a divorce-—and that his mother would keep custody of him and Win.

Asher’s eyes opened again. “B-but they lied,” he mumbled. He sat back up. Asher wasn’t sure what he’d do. He’d surely be punished for Henry’s death.

Suddenly, there was the sound of something clanging against his window.

Asher turned to face the window and he peered out.

Gazing up at him were his two friends Pedro de la Cruz and Amy Gorski.

“Come on!” Amy seemed to mouth, waving her hand, beckoning for Asher.

Asher wasted no time. He quickly rushed downstairs and out the back door. “What are you guys doing here?” Asher asked, eyeing his two friends.

Amy shrugged. “I don’t know-—you should ask Pedro. He’s the one who wanted to be here.”

Asher’s gaze fell upon Pedro.

Pedro told him, “Well, I thought that we could hang out one last time before Sentencing Day tomorrow.”

Asher faked a smile. “Alright. Sure.” His chest still felt like it might explode at any second, sending a tsunami of blood everywhere.

“So, what perks do you think we’ll get?” Amy asked Asher and Pedro.

Pedro shrugged. “I’m not sure but, it’ll vary for each of us.”

Amy told them, “I should at least be able to get something for that time that my mom helped make that community garden.”

Pedro then added, “I could get a perk for the fact that one of my dads helped save that person when they were choking.”

Amy and Pedro’s gazes seemed to both fall upon Asher in unison.

“What about you?” Amy questioned. She raised her eyebrow a little.

Asher then shrugged. “I don’t know what’ll happen to me.” That was a lie; Asher very well knew what was waiting for him tomorrow--he was dreading it.

Asher almost wondered if it would be better for him just to off himself now so he wouldn't have to deal with being charged for his father's crime. No, Asher began to think. They'll just punish Win instead when he comes of age.

“Well, whatever it is, I hope it’s good.” Pedro smiled. He paused before saying, “By the way, happy birthday.”

Asher slightly smiled. “Thanks.”

Amy then smirked. “I’ll race you guys to the woods.”

“You’re so on,” Asher and Pedro both said.

And for a moment, Asher forgot about all of his troubles.

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