“I had already told King Ging about this plan and he promised to keep it in secret for now.” She continued 

“Father agreed about staying at the island full of pirates?” Gon asks as he was confused why King Ging would take the risk of agreeing to Tsuki’s plan on staying on the land of pirates. 

“Yes, because he’s trying to test me if I could protect you until the day we deliver the princess back” Tsuki answered and excused herself as she walked towards her quarters. 

Once the Captain got to her quarters, the deck was left in silence and it made the crew let out a heavy sigh. 

They heard a door open and they immediately look towards the direction of the kitchen door. There they saw Ponzu and Palm coming out with snacks on a platter and it somehow lifted up the atmosphere on the deck. 

“You boys never learn, do you?” Palm piped in as she handed them the platter of snacks.

While Ponzu handed the two royals and the king’s royal adviser the platter as they thanked the lime-haired girl. 

“I apologize for the incident that you had just witness your highness. Senshou is just having a hard time right now.” Ponzu apologized with her head down showing her respect to Kurapika and Gon. 

“I clearly understand” Kurapika paused as he hesitated to bring up the subject once again but he continued. “And I would like to agree to your captain’s idea. It’s better to tell the other pirates the truth to avoid problems on your part. Although, I would be glad to help if there would be any difficulties.” 

The crew nodded in understanding as they headed to do their own jobs. However, Kite went in front of the prince who is sitting on a chair beside Gon. 

“I suggest that you should tell Senshou about your decision personally, your highness.” Kite stated “And I’m sure that you’re wondering how the young prince got here in the first place but I wouldn’t tell you, it’s better if you talk it out with Senshou” he continued before heading to where the stirring wheel stood.

Kurapika hesitated once again and looked at Gon sternly. Gon just avoided his cousin’s stare and stayed quiet.

 Kurapika once again diverted his glance from Gon to Tsuki’s quarters and wavered at the thought of being inside a room with the said captain. In spite of this, the thought of being able to return the necklace to Tsuki crosses his mind. Suddenly, Kurapika stood up and fixes his coat. 

Gon noticed this and watched Kurapika as he made his way to the captain’s quarters. For a minute, he sensed something strange about Kurapika’s behavior.

Although, he shrugged it off as he stood up and sneakily climb to the Bird’s nest, only to find Pitou and Pouf.   

He smiled at the two but only Pitou acknowledged his presence as Pouf turned his attention to the horizon in front of him, doing his job. 

“Hi, you’re Pitou and Pouf, right?” Gon asked to make sure he didn’t mix up their names.

“One and only, how did you climb here so fast prince?” Pitou asked the boy.

“I used to climb trees back at the palace just to stare at the horizon beyond those giant walls, and I haven’t imagined it’s this amazing.” Gon answered with amazement. 

“Wow, is that how you see it, for me though, it’s kind of just a plain ocean. Everywhere you look, all you can see is a never-ending flow of waters.” Pitou whined. 

Pouf then let out a small chuckle making his two companions look at him confusedly. 

“You can’t relate to each other’s perspective because of your different experiences. The prince was intrigued by the view because he can’t see them everyday unlike your situation Pitou, you can always watch the seas whenever you want that you got bored with its plainness, as you have said it is.” Pouf said causing Gon to giggle and left Pitou to pout. 

Our Love's Never-Ending Journey ~A Hunter x Hunter Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now