Good Opportunities, Better Outcomes

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This is the first chapter I'm re-doing, the other one got deleted. If you've read the deleted ones please still read these because the story is slightly different than last time.

For those of you who are new, welcome. I hope y'all enjoy my story. General notes about the chapter will be located up here, and other updates about me or my stories will be after the story. Please enjoy and thanks for reading.

English lines appear like this, korean lines appear like this, thoughts appear like this when used in complete sentences, author notes appear like this.

⚠️TW⚠️: Cursing

Timeline: Saturday, July 20th, 2019, 4:00 PM - Sunday, July 21st, 7:00 AM

Word Count: 2131



You never meant for it to end up like this. When you came to Korea as an honors senior trip you didn't expect it to change your career path and basically your whole life.

You got offered a trip to Korea - for graduating with one of the top five GPAs in your class - by your favorite teacher, Mrs. Potter (and yes, you joke about her name a lot). And of course, you accepted. Each person got to invite someone else and you managed to be able to bring your entire friend group. School's out now, which means you would be stuck at home until you happen to find enough money to move out, and the one thing you want most in life is to be separated from your family for as long as possible.

Okay, that sounded a little rude. The thing is, your family sucks. Your mother is always sticking her nose up in your business, and when she finds something she doesn't like, she'll go ballistic. There's been multiple times where your father barely stopped her from seriously injuring you. And even more times where her words have left you emotionally scarred. Your father, on the other hand  - well, he only intervenes when you're in real danger. Everything else your mom does (like verbally abuse and manipulate you) he lets slide over his greasy ass head. Real helpful, I know.

Your siblings are no better. They're always ratting you out to your mom, and never keeping their promises. Your mother praises them for it too, always spoiling them to the point where you don't think they'd ever live up to anything without your mom supporting them. So basically, you feel very much like an outsider when you're at home, and that's why a trip like this is heaven on earth.

As you step out of the airport in Seoul, suitcases and travel bags in hand, you think about how luck you are to have this opportunity. And the best part? You get to share it with your friends, A.K.A, your favorite people in the world. The six girls who you love so much, get to join you on this little vacation with Mrs. Potter. Of course, there are other people here too, but you're mainly focused on your girls.

There's Maddie, the absolute fucking goddess of cooking. She loves spending time in the kitchen especially with you. Creating what ever tasty goodness her mind can think up and being able to share it with people is what brings her the most happiness, and helping her with that also makes you happy. You invited her after getting the 2nd highest GPA.

Lauren is a queen too. her motto is literally 'why give any fucks when nobody's going to give them back?' and you're very much here for it. Lauren's basically a 'get out of trouble free' card for you, but she's obviously fun for more than that. Her attitude brightens up even your worse days so she's one of two people who can bring you back down to Earth when things get rough at home. She (to no one's surprise) did not make top five, so she got invited by Haven.

When I Found Myselfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن