I laugh at her cause she's funny. But she doesn't laugh she just looks at me.
"What you mean? I need an explanation"
"S-So when I didn't come home that night...after we argued. I actually was at Pardi's with Kaution and....he gave me his sperm. And I inseminated you with it....."

What. The. Fuck. What. The. Fuck. What the. I snatch my hand away from her so quick sitting up more.
"What the fuck did you just say to me!?!"
"M-Mommy pp-please-" she stutters
"Don't Mommy please me nothing! You inseminated me without my consent. Bitch are you crazy!!!?" I shout frustrated at her

A tear starts to fall from her eye.
"Bitch don't cry now! You know what you did!! Why the fuck did you do that!?"

"T-To show you that we should have a baby...." She stutters out

I look at her crazy. Like what the fuck was she thinking. That makes no sense at all.
"So that's why you wanted to strap me down, so you can do that. I can't believe- get out!"
"Get the fuck out!!" I shout as she just continues to stand in front of me as tears flow from her eyes

"I-I- I'm sorry.... I didn't mean t-tt- to cause all this"

"Get. Out. I don't wanna see you. I don't wanna talk to you, just get out....I-I can't believe you did this to me......" I mumble hurt

As I look down wiping my tears I hear the door open and close. I take a deep breath as I try to calm down and the memories of us keep coming to my mind.


"Baby I love you and can't imagine life without you. So please, please do me the honors of being my wife. Let me love you....forever" Megan says as she proposes to me

Looking down at her I grab her face just kissing her. Showing my answer through the kiss.
"Of course I'll marry you. I love you so much baby doll"
"I love you Mommy"


"Mama look at that giraffe!" Kaution says
"I know baby girl, beautiful right?"
She nods her head smiling at me

We continue to talk through the zoo having us a family day, and I really appreciate these moments.

"Can I have ice cream?"
"Of course you can. What flavor you want?" I ask Kaution
"Um chocolate chip cookie dough!" She shouts excitedly
"Oh yeah, okay. What you want baby?" I end turning to face Megan as I ask her

But she blushes extra hard looking at me. My baby can get so nervous sometimes.
"C-Can I hh-have vanilla" she mumbles letting me know she's in her headspace
"Of course you can. Whatever my baby doll wants, my baby doll gets" I say grabbing her chin as she blushes even harder then I give her a quick peck
"Hahaha.... Mama called you baby doll Mommy" Kaution says laughing


"Normani.... I'm scared"
"Bitch shut up you're getting married and that's it. You love her right?"
"So what is there to be scared of?....nothing! Cause you getting married now let's go" she says pulling me by my arm out the room

I stand by the door waiting for it to open, all this for me. She chose me in the end, when she didn't have to. She wants to be with me.

Unbeknownst to me the door opens and everyone is staring at me. I slowly walk down the aisle to where the preacher, baby girl and most importantly Meg is. As my heart beats out my chest I take in her smile, and it brings a sense of calmness to me.

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