I finished pulling the last string before moving my gaze off of the guitar and onto the camera.

"Happy birthday Adriana and I hope you enjoy your day and see many more." I smiled placing the guitar into its stand.

I stopped the livestream before heading to the kitchen making breakfast.

I opened the bottle of milk and immediately felt sick from the smell and closed it, opting to finding another breakfast meal instead.

I settled on toast before checking my phone that has been buzzing off for the past hour or so.

It was the group chat between the four of us.

The Crew

Daya 💞
So you guys are coming right?

Yh meeting at half past 12. @Flo🙃 @N/n

Flo 🙃
This is y my phone was dinging constantly? But ik that.

Daya 💞

Flo 🙃
Where the hell is N/n?

Here. And I don't think I could make it. Sry


This is an annual tradition why can't you come?


Daya 💞
How complicated? Spill it Y/n.

Well Idk how to explain this.

But I'm up the duff.

You're joking Y/n?

I wish.

Flo 🙃
Congrats Y/n.

Daya 💞
Am I the only one who doesn't know what 'up the duff' is?

It means she's pregnant sweetheart.

Daya 💞
Congratulations N/n ❤. How long?

Supposed to be 15 weeks today but I'm going to the obstetrician today.

That's y I can't come.

Daya 💞
Can we come with you?

I mean if you're comfortable with it.

I dont see y not.

I'm already at the Beach house so I won't attend with you guys.

Flo 🙃
Don't worry I'll take your place Tom.

Idk of I should be happy or worried.

Flo 🙃
Be both especially worried.

Don't worry with Flo Tom.

I hope you're right.

I always am 🤗.

Daya 💞
Sure you are Y/n sure you are.

Flo 🙃
The disrespect 😤.


I placed my phone onto the counter before my gaze shifted to a nearby clock showing that it was 10:45.

The crew

Daya 💞
Meet at your place in 30?

Yh 30 is good enough.

My phone was placed to charge and I changed into the outfit I had placed out the night before.

My phone was placed to charge and I changed into the outfit I had placed out the night before

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As if on cue my doorbell rang which made my dogs began to bark profusely at the door.

"I'm coming loves." I assured them picking up my keys and phone before opening the door.

On the other side stood Kami, Daya and Flo. "You're pregnant?!" Kami shouted in confusion.

"I sorta accidentally told her sorry Y/n." Florence apologized. I face palmer myself as Kami asked 10s of questions.

"Its fine Kameryn." "No it isn't what if your parents find out we could all lose our jobs." "No one is getting fired Kami and if they did I would rehire you all."

After a while of calming her, we soon left.

Once there I immediately headed to the washroom to relief myself before heading to the room I was expected to be in.

I changed into the gown she handed me before stepping out for her to do her tests. "How is the baby?" I questioned with Daya and Flo on either sides of me waiting eagerly.

"They are fine at 18 weeks and healthy just as their mother." Tears formed its way in my eyes.

"They?" I asked with tears of happiness streaming down my face. "They. Would you like to know the genders?" Flo approached the obstetrician and whispered into her ear.

"Guess you won't know now." She laughed. "Really Flo?" I asked wiping away my tears. "Not my orders." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"All I can tell you is that you are pregnant with twins." She smiled pointing on the small monitor which had to small figures.

"Can we hear the heartbeat?" Dr. Stewart smiled before doing as asked. Their heartbeats were in sync and I felt a new set of happiness.

Afterwards I changed into my previous outfit as Ms. Stewart printed out the pictures for me.

My two friends hugged me before we headed back to my place as Miles called before urging that I come back for an unstated reason.

The Actor's Child 《Sebastian Stan X Reader》Where stories live. Discover now