Chapter 7

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A few weeks later...

My alarm began to chime immediately triggering my morning sickness. I sprinted out of bed and directly to the bathroom where I relieved myself.

I was back home in England and was happy to be back. I cleaned myself up before looking into the mirror.

It was evident that I was lacking much deserved sleep because of how dark the circles around my eyes were.

My baby bump has grown and is now recognizable. It did bring me joy once I remembered it.

I took a shower before changing into an oversized shirt and roaming my house in search of my pets.

They were all asleep in the couch I had sunken into the ground.

They were all asleep in the couch I had sunken into the ground

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I smiled as they all cuddled up underneath the other. I took a seat next to them as I scrolled through my Instagram checking for recent news and checking through their Instas.

There were many but one caught my eye. It was a picture taken at an interview I did a few days back with me, Sebastian and Florence.

This picture was with Sebastian looking at me with a proud expression after I responded to a hate comment.

It captioned 'I wish someone looked at me the way Sebastian Stan looked at Y/n L/n.' I laughed at the post and responded to it.

'Y/n_L/n: I wish someone did too love 😂.' The post almost immediately gained 25 hearts. I continued scrolling for a while when I received a private message.

'Hi Y/n I hope you're ok but I have a song request it's for my sister and she loves your singing. Today's her birthday and she likes 'IDGAF.' Dua Lipa. I would really appreciate it if you could do it but if you don't its completely fine.'

Seeing as I had nothing better to do I responded. 'Tell her to check her phone in the next 5 minutes and send me her name.'

The person immediately responded. 'Tysm.
It's Adriana.'

I got out of the sofa and my dogs followed as they woke up a while ago. I headed to my room and changed into a sweater, trousers and a pair of socks.

I left my hair down before going to my lounge area. I placed my phone on its stand, adjusted the lighting, started my livestream and picked up my electric guitar before sitting on the stool I had in the centre of the area.

My laptop was next to my phone and visible so that I could see who and how many views I had.

As expected, many were on and already liking and commenting, ecstatic to see a livestream from me in over a few weeks.

"Hello loves I have received a  request from a follower to sing for his sister's birthday and as I say ask and you shall receive. Let's begin shall we."

I held the guitar my hand while checking each string before beginning a while later.

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