Chapter 6

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The interview has been going well for the past hour. I was able to answer most of their questions with them satisfied at the end.

A woman and I think her friend stepped onto the podium where questions were asked. They had a striking resemblance to someone I knew but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

The two began talking and it was evident they loved Tom which was normal since most of us dealt with persons confessing frequently especially on platforms like Instagram.

In doing so they were being rude towards Anthony which wasn't cool but I prefer to give them atleast 3 chances, which if I might add, they fucked up so I interfered.

"That's is a vulgar comment love." "Y/n you're such a bitch. No one was speaking to you." Now I was completely offended and don't think I can hold back.

"Me and my friends talk bad about you all the time." "I don't give a fuck about who talk behind my back cause the bitch know better than let me hear it."

Tom gasped placing his hand over his mouth. The other two were confused at my outburst because I was normally a calm person.

"What?" Sebastian laughed. "Oh go to hell Y/n." "Honey where do you think I spawned from?" I asked with a pitiful look on my face.

The two were embarrassed before storming off the platform. "Bitch." I stated taking a sip of water before the next person came onto the platform.

The next person who came onto the platform was around 10 and to say the least she was extremely nervous, her hand was shaking as she held onto the microphone.

"Are you ok love?" I asked her. "Y-yeah." I didn't believe so and got off of my seat before jumping down from the stage and heading to the girl.

Her eyes lit up as I headed to her. "C-can I hug you?" She asked timidly. I nodded and she immediately hugged me to which I returned it.

"You're my biggest inspiration." "Really?" She nodded as she still hugged me. "I bet you will make a bigger impact in our society when you get older." I told her.

She smiled holding the microphone firmly. "What is your name?" "Lilianna." "Alright Lilianna what do you want to ask about?"

"How did you survive your fall from Vanaheim?" I took a deep breath as I thought of her question. I raised the microphone I had to my lips.

"Umm." I made an unsure face which caused a scattered laughter throughout the crowd. "Ok when Thanos snapped, the spark happened and it was like a flash of light in the.." I pointed up. "Sky. I fell onto Midgard into the Pacific Ocean. It stung a little but I managed to survive and now I'm here answering your amazing question."

She looked mesmerized by my answer as the crowd began clapping at my answer.

I headed back to the stage as she headed to her parents and could see in the corner of my eye that Sebastian had an amuzed look plastered onto his face.

An hour or so went on and I was free to head home to get ready for my meeting with the family obstetrician. Never thought I would be seeing her so early in my life but hey here we are.

I bid my farewells to the men before heading to the hospital she was at. Luckily she was visiting her son who has the same profession.

💜Time skip🤧

"You are 7 and a half weeks along and everything is normal. Both you and the baby are healthy. How are you feeling Y/n?" "Exhausted and now relieved." "How are your sisters?" "There pretty alright but too busy to assist me."

"And the father?" I didn't respond only looked at her with confusion and worry. "We don't have to talk about it if you are uncomfortable with it."

I smiled at her before getting off the bed I was seated on. "I'll go get a copy of some information I want you to read." She smiled leaving the room.

I took my time and headed to the bathroom to change back into my previous clothing. As I stepped out she handed me a booklet of what to and what not to do. I thanked her before making my way back to Ana's.

"How was your day?" Miles asked as he and Ana cuddled on the sofa watching a film. "It was ok." Miles and Lori were like older brothers to me and I was like the little sister they didn't have.

"Where's Vee?" "Don't know and don't care." Ana responded. "Who fucked your day up?" "They had a fight this morning." Miles answered.

"About?" "Inviting Dad and his family over next few months." I placed the bottle I had onto the counter. "Repeat that again." "Are you deaf? I said Vee wants to invite dad over in the next few months."

"I understand Mother but Father?" Father had an affair with his secretary and manager when mother was pregnant with me.

She found out when I was 13 but kept the family together until I was 18. After then they got divorce and I grew a hatred towards him.

Lucy, his now fiancée, and her two brats lived and reaped Father of all his money not that it bothered me because it was his own fault.

Vienna tried to keep in touch with him and we would see them once a year so it wasn't all that bad.

"Where is Vienna?" I asked again, anger and urgency evident in my voice. Ana groaned in frustration as she got up off of the sofa, grabbed me by the arm and leas me to where Vee would be.

She surprisingly led me to Vince's room. Vee was on a phone call before her eyes met mine then meeting Ana's. 

She got off the phone and approached us both before closing the door behind us. "Are you out of your mind Vee?" I asked almost shouting.

She glared between the two of us over her glasses. "Ypu want to bring him to your house?" She asked back. "No." "Ok then."

"Father, his family and mother will be coming in September. And that's final." "If so I won't be staying just visiting." I responded.

"And certainly not here." Ana glared at her. "Fine." Vee responded.

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