scene 4: shift 3

2 0 0

Mike enters and VOB enters too*

VOB: well done eggsbenidict you did a great job in the gallery! And survived freddy!

Today we need to take a look at freddy in parts and service please enter the funtime gallery. Do not enter any other area please.

VOB exits*

Baby from side of stage: come in brother come in...

Mike crawls through cardboard vent to her*

Move them to centre*

Go help freddy then help the rest of us.


Mike goes to funtime audioutorium*

Cue funtime foxy funtime dance floor*

Sees bon bon tied up*

Realises it's a trap...

Runs out*

Makes it to a room just like the og fnaf room.

Script for a fnaf Sister Location MusicalWhere stories live. Discover now