Stuck in the Momment with You. ~Daryl Dixon

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Hi.The names Layla Grimms.Sound like somthing you've herd of before??? Yeh, Well my "Brother" in law is sherif of this rank town i liveED in....Lived you say?? Well this shit has gone down and some rank virus has came out.... Its called the T9HS.It turns you into a zombie. And im not fucking shitting you on this one. After one of these....Lets call em biters aye??!! After a BITER bites you XD You have two hours.....Dead or Alive after the bite...Then you turn into one. A biter, With the sudden need for flesh. NO memories from you REAL life whatsoever.Yea my boyfriend got bit...On the first day actally. What a fucking wimp.

OH HAHAHAH im 25 by the way...Living in the woods with my Sister Lori,Her son Carl,Ricks Mate Shane \ The leader, Um Carol,Her Daughter Sofia,And the abusive dad Ed, Um T-Dog and Jacki (Both Black Not To Be Rasict) The sisters Amy and Andrea, (Amys 12 years Younger) Jim, Glen (Hot Asian xD) and last of all the brothers Merl(the fuck ass one to women) and the anoying but really hot brother Daryl :)

Well bye Me,Glen,Andrea,Merl and T-Dog have to go out to the most infected place in the world..Atlanta to get some more suplies. Who knows what we'll find??

Stuck in the Momment with You. ~Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now