Chapter Three

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Giyuu and Shinobu tried to explore, but before they could do anything, Kanza appeared in front of them.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"
He frightened Giyuu, but th young prince shoved him away.
"Just checkin' it out. Come in, Shinobu!"
Kanza stopped Shinobu.
"The only checking out you'll be doing is to check out of here! It's dangerous for a young boy!"

Giyuu's eye lit up.
"Danger? I laugh in the face of danger, hahaha!!"
Unfamiliar laughter sounded, surrounding the three.

"Well." A masculine voice was heard. A man with 6 eyes led two other men. "What do we have here, Akaza?" The second man, known as Akaza, had pink hair, and blue stripes all over his body. "I dunno." He chuckled. "What do you think, D*uma?"
The third man, blonde hair and rainbow eyes, laughed, his eyes looking opposite directions, and his tongue sticking out.

Akaza turned back. "Yeah, I agree. A trio of trespassers!!"

Akaza continued. "So, Kokushibo, whatcha thinking?"
The one known as Kokushibo sighed. "I think they'll make for a good, hearty breakfast."

Akaza laughed.
"Ooh, look. I think it's the king's boy! The prince!!"
Kokushibo laughed.
"And the baker's daughter. Hmm. How are your parents, little girl?"
Shinobu looked downcast again. Third time today someone referenced her parents.
D*uma licked his lips at that.

Akaza and Kokushibo turned to each other.
"How shall we eat them?"
Akaza asked.
Kokushibo grinned. "Whole."
Akaza frowned.

"Did we order our dinner to go?"
Kokushibo sighed. "No, why?"
Akaza yelled.
Akaza and Kokushibo sprinted, desperately trying to catch up to Kanza and the little kids.
Giyuu managed to get a little ahead, but Shinobu slowed down a little.
Giyuu climbed up some large, skeleton bone ribcage.
Shinobu kept falling, and as Kokushibo tried eating her, Giyuu kicked some sand into all 6 of his eyes, distracting him, but completely angering him.
Giyuu pulled Shinobu up, and she cut her leg, running.
Giyuu pulled her into his back and ran.
Giyuu ran as fast as his little legs could carry him, along with his friend on his back.
Suddenly, he tripped, and landed by some bones.
He stood in front of Shinobu, protective and trying to face his fear.
The three men stood in front of them, gleefully.
Giyuu sighed.
"Stay back!!"
His voice was high pitched and shaking. The three men laughed and laughed.
Akaza chuckled. "Come on. Do it again."
Giyuu opened his mouth, but out came a deep and horrifying "STAY BACK!!"
Giyuu shriveled in fear, and he knew exactly who it was.

Kagaya leapt down from atop the bones, and pulled out a sword.
He stood in front of the two children, and Kanza stood on his shoulder.

The three men ran way.

Kagaya turned to the kids, looking into Giyuu's eyes.

"Let's go home."

Was all he said.
As they started walking, Shinobu limped over to Giyuu.
"I thought you were really brave."
She hugged the boy from behind as they walked.


Kagaya led the children into a field. He sat down.

Kanza swooped over.
"Don't be so hard on him, sire. I know someone who would go on dangerous adventures as a boy."
Kagaya sighed.

"Kanza, take Shinobu home, an check on her leg. I want to talk to my son."

Kanza flew to Shinobu.
"Come, Shinobu."

Kanza flew off, Shinobu followed him.

Giyuu sighed.
Kagaya's voice boomed, and shook Giyuu.
"Come here, Giyuu."

"You made a mistake, Giyuu. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse? You got Shinobu hurt and put her in danger!"
Kagaya sighed, his voice panicked, but quiet.
Giyuu was about to cry.

"I just wanted to be brave like you... "
Kagaya put a hand on Giyuu's shoulder.

"I'm only brave when I have to be.... But being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble."

Giyuu didn't understand.
"But you're not scared of anything?"

Kagaya turned his head. "I was today."

Giyuu looked up at him.
"But you're not afraid of anything..!"

Kagaya looked at the sky. "I was today.." He sighed. "I thought I might lose you."
Giyuu thought for a moment.
"Well, you sure scared those guys back there."

Kagaya chuckled. "That's cause nobody messes with your dad."
Kagaya gave Giyuu a noogie, and chuckled. "Come here, you!!"
He tackled Giyuu, and jumpe out of the way as Giyuu climbed his father's back.

"Hey dad, we're pals, right?" "Right." "And we'll always be together, right?"
Kagaya sighed.

"Look at the stars, Giyuu. The greats kings of the past look down on us from those stars. My father, his father, an his father before his. Every king. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will be there to guide you. As will I."

Giyuu smiled.
"Whoa... "

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