It was played on a loop, and they also listened to it many times in a row.

But they still suspect they heard it wrong!

Ye Baizhi said that the Republic of China made a TV, and she thought it was very good, and she planned to build a big screen on the main square of each country's capital.

However, she only brought important parts, and everything else was funded by the governments of various countries.

In other words, Ye Baizhi told various countries in a tone of notification that she was coming to give gifts.

The key is-

She sent people to give gifts with warships! !

Can you not charge it?

Ha ha, ask her if the warship promises or not!

Does accepting gifts peacefully mean that there will be no peace if you don't accept them? !

Walt was dumbfounded: "She hasn't made a move for half a year, and when she makes a noise, she makes such a big deal?!"

Legoff swallowed: "Yes, this is really unexpected..." Arrogant as always!

Driving a warship to your door to give gifts, do you accept them?

not accept? beat!

"So what is she thinking? Why install a big screen for every country?!" Walter asked his soul while scratching his head.

Why is it for every country?

What is this woman going to do? !

Legoff looked bewildered.

After a while, the two looked at each other and said together, "Hurry up and report it!"

They reported, and then got the answer from Chaotang—

"Let her fix it!"

Obviously, country F and country Y are going to fight with country D. Ye Baizhi's warships have become famous after fighting against the Japanese country, and they don't really want to cause trouble at this time.

The two sides are staring at each other, and the war is about to break out. Who wants to fight against Ye Jun at this time?

Promise her!

No matter what she is doing, let her go first, and she must not be allowed to affect the battle!

If it can be built, it can be demolished. They are not afraid of her, but there are obviously more important things in front of them, and she is the second.

In just half a year, Ye Jun has added countless warships.

The route is planned, and each warship must follow the route to several countries.

Some countries feel that the big screen is an advantage, and the cost is not too expensive. They want to befriend Ye Baizhi, so they actively cooperate and help Ye Jun's people build it.

A big screen that will be ready soon.

Some countries are afraid that Ye Baizhi will cause trouble, and they also cooperate and want to send people away quickly.

In some countries, it is quite unconvincing.

Why do you want to come to our country to repair the big screen?

Why should we cooperate with you? !

How old are you?

Absolutely impossible!

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