Chapter 00

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That is all she see.

Her body is floating into nothing. Sinking further through the darkness.

'Where am I?'

She mindlessly thought.



Suddenly a light appears in her vision. She felt arise through her.

Reaching her hands out toward that light.

As she reaches towards the light, the nearer it gets.

The light isn't something she has seen before and it takes form of a floating jellyfish or something.

When she was able to get nearer to that creature, it gets close to her hands and suddenly she was pulled to the light and the next thing she knew, a small blue hands grasping into a larger ones.

She looked up and meet the eyes of what seems to be her mother's.

She was laying on her mother's chest as it slowly rise and fall after giving birth to their first born child.

The woman cradles the baby closer to her as it's small hands grasp into her mother's hair.

"Oh great mother, thank you." the woman says as she pulled her closer while kissing her forehead.

As the baby sleeps in her mother's arm, Neytiri cant help but put her pointer finger in to her baby's chubby cheeks as she sleeps.

"Welcome to pandora, Tarya"

I dont what im doing, welp hopefully you guys enjoy this ff what my mind just blurt out.

Written - June 18, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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