Chapter One

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Note: (In the story, I wont be using names, but the way the story is told it will be easy to identify who I am talking about.)

Some people just don't know when to quit. That person is me. Yes, I was the one that ran away from home that day because I wasn't going to tolerate how I was being treated in the comfort of my own home. Yes, I am the one who called the cops on my mom because she was stalking my friends and their instagrams. I am the “rebel child” , the one who stands up for herself and doesnt let anyone get in her way. I am the person who likes to live their life carefree because as a 17 year old, that's what you do. Everyone who was once a teenager has done something all teens these days have done. And I understand, parents just want to protect their kids and not see them go through the same things they went through. No one wants to relive a bad situation. But don't be controlling and irrational. Dont preach to them. Let them experience it on their own instead of sheltering them. So that when they do have questions, you don't have to be put in an awkward spot. Let them live life and enjoy their childhood. No one is a teen forever, so enjoy the time you have left. Because you will regret it later. 

-The author.

October 7th, 2022

This was the day my whole life changed. 

*Dads POV* 

*phone rings*

 It's my mother.

“Hello?” my father asks as he heads home from work. My step mother was in the passenger's seat.

“I see. I'll be there soon. Yep. okay. Bye” he hangs up and a sigh is let out as he focuses intensely on the road than before 

“What's wrong?” my step mother asks awoken by his breath

“She needs to be picked up.” my fathers tone is neutral so it's hard to read

“Who needs to be picked up? What's going on?” my stepmother is now on her toes

“My oldest daughter. Her mother says shes gone crazy and doesn't know what to do with her anymore” my dad says in a still tone

“We don't have room, 'how is that going to work?!” my step mother says, raising her voice.

“She can sleep on the couch for now until we get her an air mattress. She'll be fine, dont worry about it” my father says in a calm voice, still focused on the road. 

*My POV*

I start walking home the route I usually go everyday. My boyfriend is tagging along.I just got done with a long day at school today and i'm exhausted. Especially from what happened last night. I didn't intend on doing anything so crazy like that. My thoughts crowd my head each step I take closer to my house. I didn't mean for anything like this to happen. I just wanted my freedom of will and space. I wanted to just…live. I snap out of my thoughts by tripping over a crack in the hot asphalt ground.

 “Are you ok?” he asks. 

“Yah, just nervous.” I say looking down at the scuff on my shoe and he takes my hand. 

“You know, I'll always be with you. Whatever you're going through. I love you.” he says with his best forced smile. I can tell he's scared. He doesn't want to lose me, and I don't want to lose him either. 

Part of me wishes I didn't have to go home. Because I knew I would be either chewed out, or ignored. 

As I reach the broken gate opening, throw over my backpack, and climb through. He follows. I surprisingly got over it very easily this time. Considering I usually rip a piece of clothing, or get my shoes dirty. 

I pick up my backpack and reach for  my phone in my back pocket. I have a message.  

*Be safe. I love you. Make sure to delete everything off of your phone. See you next week.*

It's my best friend. 

I like the message and continue.

As I start to walk away,  he stops me.

“Wait for a second. Please?” he says frantically

“But I really have to-” I'm cut off by him pulling me in for a hug. I connect my hands behind his back, and he sighs. 

“I don't want you to go…” he says in a tone like a little kid would say to his mother

“I know, I'm sorry. I love you so much, ok? I don't want you to worry about me. And remember not to text me.” i say 

“Ok, I promise.” 

He pulls me in for a kiss. And I say I love you, and head home. I start scrolling through conversations and deleting screenshots and group chats. Any evidence that would get me in a lot of trouble. As I continue to walk towards my house, I shut off my phone, and try to act natural. Not showing any signs of being uneasy. Just neutral. I reach the door, and walk inside. I am greeted by my mother sitting on the couch. I don't think much of it, and head to my room. I notice there are multiple pieces of folded clothing on my bed, and my room is spotless. 

I know something is up. But i ignore it and scroll on tiktok. 

About 15 minutes go by, and I hear a knock at the door. I ignored it. The house is quiet, and no one is speaking. It's weird. I snap back into reality when all of a sudden-


My dad is standing in the doorway of my room. And at that moment, I knew I was screwed. 

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