"You'll be okay. Just look at the two Bellas Chloe and Aubrey, those are their names, right? And like you told me; Chloe was really nice!" Ashley really said those first three words to herself. Even if Ashley still felt her heart beating, seeing Jessica slowly calm down was better.

* * *

"You dedicated, you took the time.."

As Jessica sang those lyrics, pretending to point at a watch to her wrist while jumping up and down in elation. Ashley watched her in awe. It was weird! How can a terrified girl a few minutes ago sing so lightly at that exact moment!

Ashley couldn't help it and started to smile. The blonde on the stage continued to sing happily. Her personality was really evident due to the way she danced and sing, and-

"You like her, don't you." A mysterious brunette behind her chimed in a whisper and interrupted her thoughts.

"Who are you?" Ashley questioned.

The girl behind her grinned, "Denise, I am joining the Barden Bellas. Ever since I heard my ex Cyn- You know what? Never mind that. Focusing on you! You like that chick, right?"

"Excuse you, she has a name. It's Jessica! Not chick..."

"Okay... Weirdo. But do you like her?"

"Uh yeah! As a friend... just a friend!"

Denise giggled at her answer. Ashley didn't know if she was looking at Jessica as if she had feelings, or that Denise just liked to tease people. What bullshit, Ashley doesn't like Jessica like that! She doesn't even label herself as gay! Before Ashley could say anything else, she was yelled to go next by the two boys holding auditions.

* * *

After her audition, the brunette walked straight back to her dorm. During her walk, her mind was focused about how her voice cracked in that one part and how she felt like the blonde, Aubrey? Looked as if she was cringing. She felt instant regret and embarrassment. It's okay though, it's not like they'll pick her.

Instead of having her head around the fact that it wasn't likely that they wouldn't pick her, she redirected her thoughts to Jessica Smith; and blushed. The blonde on the stage earlier looked so happy and confident on stage. The way she looked so much happier singing than even talking was adorable. And her singing voice, was one of the greatest Ashley had heard. It was likely they'd pick her.

She had finally arrived back to their dorm and sat on her bed with a feel of defeat. Why did Ashley even audition for them? And why was Jessica so desperate for her to join? To the point where she had invaded her privacy that one night. Speaking of Jessica, where was she? She already finished earlier than Ashley? Just in time, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Ash! I got us something from the cafe nearby! I got myself hot chocolate! I don't know if you like coffee but here! This is a congrats for auditioning!" For the first time, Ashley's problems were all dissolved... She'd thank the blonde and drank the coffee with a feel of heaven rushing down her throat. Jessica propped down her hot chocolate on her desk, 

"You sounded amazing today; I really have to say Jess." Ashley spoke up with no thought whatsoever, and immediately felt too abashed. Jessica saw the brunette's reaction to herself saying that and giggled,

"You must've had that thought for a long time, thanks Ash. You sounded amazing too, I listened for a bit before I left. And also listened last time obviously. I made you audition for the Bellas for a reason." Jessica told her as Ashley's heart strangely skipped a beat. What?

* * *

It was around 11pm the same day. Jessica was sleeping soundly in her bed still in her day clothes. She must be exhausted, Ashley thought as she looked at Jessica sleeping at her side facing the wall. The brunette was busy typing up her assignment just before it was due 11:59. Just 100 more words. 

She turned back to her laptop. She felt done with it so just handed it in because she needed some sleep in. She closed her laptop and heard a scream just behind her. 

"ASHLEY! HELP I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON! I AM SO SCARED! WE ARE GETTING KIDNAPPED!" Jessica yelled for help. Before Ashley could turn, someone had covered her face with something. Causing her the same type of panic. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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