life is beautiful.

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Life is truly beautiful. You face all of these challenges life throws at you and it's a game. a simulation where we are set to think about are thoughts. You have nothing to think about besides thoughts. Once you let go of your ego, and snap out of thinking one way, you will truly live. love yourself. no one is thinking about you, they have their own lives to worry ahout. three words: let it go. dont hold onto pain. dont look back in the past. stay in the present. don't worry about the future. the universe will serve you at the right time and when you're ready. just trust. everything happens for a reason. be sure to be yourself, trust your gut instincts, and stay out of drama. do what you love, desire. if you don't know what you desire, grab a piece of paper. write down your values; gratitude, love, peace, hobbies, perserverance. anything that sets your heart on fire. food, nature, love, music. situations youre going through at the moment are a reflection of who you are. your thoughts are your world. if you have positive thoughts, your world will be filled with positive. negative thoughts, will, of course, surround you with a negative world. why waste our time with negative thoughts when our presence here is limited. souls live forever, but our physical bodies on this earth will not. what you put your energy towards will serve you. taking care of your body, health, working out, sleeping, eating; nurture your body. no story, no thought defines you. make your dreams so big people think you're crazy. do what you think you can't do. why fear the unknown? how can you judge a thought and turn it down when you haven't explored that thought yet? love, everything will be okay. what are you so afraid of? dance; dancing will lift your spirit. literally throw your hands in the air like you just don't care. who's going to judge? You are a fraction of a thought of someone's day. and so what if someone talsk about you? how would you know? just a thought: "i seen person across the intersection just dancing crazy in their car today!" i always think about if people talk about me or think about me as much as i think theyre thinking if me, but that's silly. don't think that way. that just leads you down a negative black hole. when you stop thinking thoughts, your mind becomes free. don't deny anger or sadness, turn it into something useful. be the energy you want to attract. Not everyone deserves your energy.

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