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this is what am going to try i found on pinterest

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this is what am going to try i found on pinterest

^*•in the hallway•*^
harry pov
i was waking down the hallway over thinking of draco, i love him, i wanted him, i just can't stop thinking of him. walking seeing this platinum blonde hair walking down with a book on his hand.

(okay this is bad i just want to get this over with and i been having writing block as well )

i bumped it to draco malfoy
"sorry" i said getting up "use your eyes next time" malfoy said getting up quickly "i like your eyes" is aid looking at him while him getting up "w-what""you have nice eyes" i said getting up walking away i knew he was stunned i could feel him looking at me

draco pov

'what did potter say to me' 'why did he say my eyes are nice' 'filirting'
"come on dray let's get to class" pansy pulling my arm to class "yeah okay" stunned i stutter. getting to class i couldn't help to think what potter said to me.

^*•time skip•*^
in the dinning hall
harry pov
waking in to great hall after a long day of classes, hermonie was having her nose in her book studying so she can an 'A' this time on one of the exams we have together. Ron talking to me where he's going to christmas.
at the doors of the great hall i see lots of people laughing and talking to eachover but i had my eyes on one person.Draco Malfoy .
he's perfect hair, perfect eyes perfect anything.
walking in we sat down at the Gryffindor table opisste of the slytherin table. 

ron pov
"hey mate what do you want to do this weekend" i asked harry eating chicken "mats are you listening" i pocked  harry  it looked like he was staring at someone at slytherin "MATE, HARRY, BITCH" i screamed at harry "oh sorry ron" he said turning to me "are your free this weekend because me, hermonie and luna are going to hogsmade do you want to come" i asked him "yeah sure i will see"
harry getting distracted.

3rd person
the golden trio all talking with ginny with they should go hogsmade, but after dinner hermonie suggested they should go study so they can get good grades on they last year. the slytherin trio where talking and laughing. harry was zoning out only listing to malfoy a voice pushing his food around on his plate looking at him.  malfoy turned around seeing potter looking at him. they both made eye contact with eachover. harry quickly turned around before stuff got weird. pansy on the other side of baldige and draco was looking at potter seeing how weird draco and potter been, while pansy observed potter blaise and draco fighting over something.

time skip

in potion class
draco pov
getting sat next to potter in class not a big fan of it. potter was lying down on the table wiht his head in arms holding them up with out touching the table. "okay open to page 272" professor snape asked the class in a dark lomy voice.

3rd person

draco opening the book wiht with soft fingers flipping through the pages. harry moving his head to the side looking at draco. "i like your hair today malfoy" came out of harry mouth
so they will be a part two

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