Chapter 5

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Trumpkin finally nodded and a small chuckle escaped him, "there is one large faction taking refuge in one of the old temples, I can take you there."

You nodded, but Trumpkin continued, "but you won't find what you're looking for, Narnia is not what it used to be."

"What is it now?" Susan asked.

Trumpkin shrugged, "a bunch of people who have nowhere else to go."

"Where to?" Peter asked, ignoring Trumpkin's comment.

"Aslan's Hollow," Trumpkin explained, "it's a temple built on the plains of Flock Hill, where the first great battle took place."

"We know, we were there," Edmund replied.

Trumpkin made a face, but continued, "it's a four day journey from here."

"Not if we cut through the crossing over the river rapids," Peter said, "it would cut two days off the trek."

"There is no crossing there," Trumpkin replied, moving towards the west, "we'll have to take the long way."

"There has always been a crossing," Peter argued, "moving to the east."

"Peter, we should listen to him," Susan said, "he lives here."

"So did I," Peter continued.

Trumpkin leaned back and watched as Susan and Peter went at it. "Pleasant bunch," he said with a laugh.

You chuckled, "they always fight."

Trumpkin nodded to you, "I take it you're the responsible one, the leader?"

You laughed again, "not even close. Susan is the responsible one, she thinks I am reckless."

"And are you?" he asked.

You shrugged, "sometimes maybe, but I'll do just about anything for my family, and for Narnia."

Before Trumpkin could respond, Lucy walked up to you, "stop them, please."

You ran your hand down her hair comfortingly, "want do you think we should do Lu?"

She shrugged, "Aslan always guided me before, but I can't feel him now."

You looked at her sympathetically, but Susan and Peter had finally stopped arguing. "I'm done with this, I am going east to the river crossing, if you want to stay together, you'll have to come along."

Susan rolled her eyes and watched Peter walk away, the rest of your siblings and Trumpkin all looked to you. You sighed, "come on," you said, following Peter, "we should stick together, but when we have to turn around, you can tell him you told him so," you said, flashing a wink at Trumpkin.

"Sure," he whispered to himself with a smile, "she's not the leader at all."

Lucy overheard and dropped her voice low to speak to him, "Peter is the High King, but my sister has always been the real leader. She may be reckless sometimes and stubborn all of the time, but she is braver than us all."

Trumpkin nodded in understanding and fell into step with Lucy, followed by Susan and Edmund. You ran up to fall into step with Peter, "is this really the best idea, brother?"

He rolled his eyes, "not you too."

"Hey," you said, putting your hands up in surrender, "I followed you, I just want to make sure that makes me smart and not an idiot."

He laughed, throwing his arms around your shoulder, "you're far too smart to ever be considered an idiot."

You chuckled and leaned into his embrace as he led the way through the woods. As the sky grew dark you yawned. "We should rest for the night," you said, stopping at a small outcropping of rock, "and this place is relatively concealed."

Peter nodded and undid his belt, dropping his sword on the ground. "Are these woods safe?" Lucy asked Trumpkin as they sat next to each other on the ground.

"We're deep enough in the woods not to be noticed by the telmarines," he responded.

"How long until the river?" Susan asked Peter.

"About a day," he responded, "we should be there by sunset tomorrow."

Susan nodded and laid her cloak on the dirt to sit down while Edmund began to make a fire. You laid your cloak on the ground next to Peter and leaned your head on his shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

You sighed, "how much I missed this place."

"Me too," he responded, "it's beautiful and relaxing."

"Except we'll probably be going to war again as soon as we connect with the other Narnians," you added.

Peter nodded, "I know."

"It's worth it though," you encouraged, "fighting for our home."

He nodded, "it is."

You lifted your head from his shoulder and laid down on your cloak resting your head on your arm, "goodnight," you whispered, complete exhaustion taking over. Your sleep was peaceful and dreamless and all too soon, you were being shaken away and the pale sky of dawn was above you.

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