Chapter 4

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You arrived on Coven beach in no time at all, the crystal clear water and white sand were just as you had remembered it.

You took a moment to take in the view, when you heard a loud voice coming from the water. "Get down," you whispered, pulling Lucy with you behind a rock. The others did the same and crouched behind the stone with you.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"I don't know," you admitted, "I'll take a look."

Peter grabbed your hand, "not alone."

You chuckled, "I am the stronger and swifter one," you said with a teasing wink, "I'll be right back. Peter smiled and nodded before you darted from behind the rock to another closer to the water's edge.

The voices were clearer now. You peaked over top of the stone to see a small canoe carrying three figures. Two were larger and wearing shiny gray armor, the other was smaller and his garb familiar.

You took a closer look and came to realize that the smaller figure was a dwarf in traditional narnian leather, the others bearing the symbol of Telmar. The dwarf was tied and gagged, wounds visible on his head and hands.

You darted back behind the rock where your siblings waited for you. "Telmarines," you whispered, "they've captured a Narnian."

"How do you know?" Susan asked.

"Their armor," you replied, "I am certain."

"Telmar was peaceful with us," Edmond added.

"Apparently not," Peter retorted.

You shushed them both, "if I had to guess, Telmar attacked Narnia when we left, with no kings to defend them, Narnia was weakened."

"We can still save this one," Lucy added, bringing you all back to the moment, "we have to save this one."

You nodded, and pulled your bow from across your shoulder, Susan doing the same. You crept from behind the rock, careful not to draw attention just yet. The canoe was now in the center of the river, there was no cover for you, but the soldiers had not seen you yet.

You notched an arrow, "what are Telmarines doing in Narnia?" you called loudly.

Susan smacked your arm, "what are you doing?"

You shrugged her off, "getting some answers first."

The men looked at you in shock, "who are you?"

You moved closer to the water's edge, "I asked first."

The man pulled out a sword, "this isn't Narnia anymore, girl, now who are you."

You pulled your bow string back, Susan doing the same next to you, "This is still Narnia, and I am the High Queen." you let the arrow fly, hitting its mark with little effort, Susan's arrow doing the same. But the force of the men falling off the canoe, also knocked the dwarf into the water.

Edmond wasted little time as he ran from behind the rock and jumped into the water, minutes later pulling the dwarf to shore.

Lucy knelt next to him, using her dagger to free him from the restraints and offering him a drop from her healing cordial. Peter stood next to you, "nice shot."

You smiled and motioned for him to walk with you closer to the others. The dwarf simply looked between you in shock, "is it really you? You're the Kings and Queens of old?"

You nodded, dropping to a knee in front of him to look him in the eye, "(Y/N)," you said, offering him your hand, "this is Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy," you said motioning to each of them.

The dwarf held a hand to his heart and bowed his head, "my thanks for the rescue, my queen. The name is Trumpkin."

You stood up, "well Trumpkin, obviously it's been a while since we were here, care to fill us in?"

"You mean you don't know? Where have you been?" he asked.

It was Peter that responded, "another world, but we're here now."

Trumpkin nodded slowly, like he was still processing everything, "when you abandoned us, so did Aslan. Slowly Telmar figured that out and attacked. With no leaders and no hope, many of us fled the mainland, choosing to live in the woods like animals. Telmaries hunted us, there are not many of us left. Many were killed, some regressed back to being true animals, Narnia isn't what it used to be anymore."

"I'm sorry," Lucy responded, "we never meant to abandon anyone."

Trumpkin shook his head, "it doesn't make any difference now."

"How long has it been?" Susan asked, her voice barely above a whisper, like she was afraid of the answer, "since we were gone."

"Almost 700 years," Trumpkin responded. Lucy sniffled, a small tear rolling down her cheek.

"Get us to the Narnians that remain," Peter said, resolve showing in his stance, "take us to our people."

Trumpkin looked at him seriously, "there are small groups now living across what remains of the forests, there is no united Narnia anymore."

"Send word that we have returned," you added, "and there will be." 

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