Visiting Taiwan

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May, 20 2012

The boys of EXO-M were instructed to wait outside the SM building. After two months of being the backing crew for their Korean counterpart, they finally get the chance to perform on their own.

"I can't believe we'll be visiting Taiwan. I never been there myself, but I heard the weather is amazing!" Luhan was energetic.

"It's a really large island from what I heard. Tropical with mountains all in the center." Yixing explained.

"I hear they speak with a different accent from us." Tao pointed.

"Generally that's true by most of Chinese provinces. It took me a while to understand your accent since you're from all the way up north in the Shandong Province. Generally northern China have somewhat softer accents and some are closer to the Shanghai dialect." Yixing replied.

"In Taiwan we have a distinct accent unique from the mainland. It's generally much flatter than mainland Mandarin. Not just Mandarin but Hokkien is spoken by half the population which is my parent's mother tongue."

"I hear it's quite similar to Cantonese." Luhan said.

"It's pretty close to Cantonese, but distinct where I can't fully understand them. I could make out some vocabulary. A lot of overseas Chinese tend to be Hokkien speakers." Eric explained.

"Wow I'm learning so much! I never knew China was so complicated. And here I thought Mandarin was the same." Jongdae said in amazement.

"You would be dead wrong Jongdae-ah. In China there's many dialects that are completely different from one other. Standard Chinese is based from the Beijing dialect and it's used in professional settings. Luhan is from Beijing so his accent is more standard, mine is close but distant enough since I'm from Changsha." Yixing explained in detail.

"You're talking too much into this. Point is we our own accents. Geez you're making it confusing for them!" Tao cut off Lay from speaking further.

"Visiting Taiwan is a great starting point hyung. I think you'll going to love it here." Eric smiled at his hyung.

They then hear their Korean counterpart exiting towards a nearby bus stop.

"Where are you guys going?" Chen asked.

"Jongdae-ah, we got another show coming up here. Good luck on trip over there." Baekhyun said with thumbs in support.

"You'll surely need it." Chanyeol also added a thumbs up.

"Take pictures for us! We want to know about your trip!" Suho said with a polite nod.

"Don't party too hard without us." Jongin said as EXO-K entered the bus.

"I'm glad you all made on time. The managers with me will guide you on your journey. Obey their instructions make sure to stay away from trouble." Sooman said. Eric saw three middle manager all wearing facemasks and cap to conceal their faces.

"I am the oldest, Lee Haoyang."

"That's Chinese?" Luhan gasped.

"That's because I am Luhan-ssi. I'm from the Shanghai area so apologies if my accent comes out.

"I am Guo Zhaoyi, but you may all address me as Emma. I was born in Malaysia, but I grew up in Canada. I will be your main English speaker." The female manager introduced herself. She wore thick glasses.

"And I am the youngest, Hsu Liyang, but I go by Reese. Since I am a native to the island I will be your main guide.

The three managers drove them towards the airport where they ordered a flight to Taipei.

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