Boogie Man and The Day Off V

105 7 3

Folding the dry laundry I set it on top the towel rack so it's easier to grab tomorrow. Fright passes through my bones as Bubbles screams in pure, unadulterated fear.

I instantly rush over to their room only getting beat by the professor by a second. Bubbles and Blossom start screaming this time.

"IT'S THE BOOGIE MAN!!" They shout.

I shimmy my way into the room flickering on their light, "Is everyone okay?" I ask looking over the room.

My eyes fall onto Bubbles crying hysterically, Blossom had a look of righteous anger, and Buttercup adopts the sort of caught-in-the-act expression that only a small child can get right, knowing she's in trouble.

Professor picks up buttercup, as I make my way to their bed sitting on the end of it.

"Buttercup-are you teasing your sisters again?!" He asks.

"Yes." Blossom instantly answers.

He sits down next to Bubbles and puts an arm around her, stopping her crying.

"It's alright sweetheart." I gently say leaning on their bed in a comfortable way.

"I was trying to sleep, but Bubbles was afraid of the dark, and-and Buttercup was telling scary stories, and then-" Blossom begins.

"Yes, Blossom, I know. Buttercup likes to be an instigator." Professor wearily says.

"A what?"

"That means she was trying to get your goat." I lift my eyebrow at Blossom only to shrug it away.

Bubbles pulls her goat teddy closer to her, "No!"

"Well, it's not my fault she's a baby scared of the dark." Buttercup grumbles.

I shoot her a look and she instantly backs down.

"I'm sorry. I wish I were brave." Bubbles mumbles. I shoot back up, as her comment hurt my heart.

"Now, girls, being scared doesn't make you a baby. I was scared when I heard my girls screaming. Y/n as well, right?" He asks looking at me.

"Terrified, I thought something happened to you three." I answer smiling at her.

"But did we hide under the covers?" He asks.

"No. You both ran in to check on us very brave-like." Blossom answers righteously.

Professor sighs as I pat her head, "Thank you, Blossom. You see, bravery doesn't mean you're not scared."

I hum causing her to look at me, "being brave means your doing something your afraid of. Showing your courage to face your fears is the strongest one could ever be." I explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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