Chapter 3

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Alarm goes off turn it off obviously and got to my feet and started with some light stretching and exercise.

I go to the bathroom take a bath and brush my teeth,dry my self and finally dressed in this goffy ah blue uniform.

"Okay Monday first day official day in Nevermore"

"Bro why you monologuing" I hear I Ajax, I turn to him

"Because I'm the main character"

"Pfft yeah right"

I have like 1 hour before class even if I literally live in the school but through out that time I was folding my clothes and organizing my stuff in my bag.

I was walking down the hall to my first class of the day when I spotted mom I immediately blitz while yelling mom she turned her attention to me and she greeted me with her smile.

"Good morning Y/n"

"Good morning mom" I don't but I'm as happy as a kid

"What you doing?"

"Heading to my first class" I said with pride

"Then what are you waiting for go"

I was about to leave but

"Actually Y/n wait" mom said, I turn my attention to her and she look serious so I should take it seriously too

"In your previous school you tend to get bullied and I'm very sorry for not being there for you" she's apologizing

I was worried and held both of her hand trying to comfort her "Nononono mom it's okay I got used to it and you've done enough for me"

"I just wanna say I've been weak, I wanna make you strong to protect yourself when I was never able to protect myself"

Ha? What is she saying I don't get it

"I want you to be strong when some smuck tries to hurt you, you fight back don't bottle up, when there's rules that try to hold and weight you down, rebel"

I get what she's saying now she wants me to stand up to my self I stood up straight and nod, she smiles and I hug her she hug back I let go and walk to my first class with a new found confidence.

I got to class and there are some students I sit next to Ajax because he's the only one I know and I waited for the students and finally the teacher to arrive.

And finally the teacher arrived god this teacher are unbelievably late.

"Good morning class" the teacher greeted of course we greeted back

"Today class as some of you might know we have a new transfer student can you step up please"

This is it I stand up and walk in front of the class everybody is starting at me but I stand with confidence and Introduce myself to my new class mates.

"Good morning everyone my name is Y/n Thornhill and yes Marilyn Thornhill is my mom I transfer here because I'm outcast just like everyone else but I don't really know what type it is but still an outcast"

I can obviously hear murmuring some students talking at the back but for some reason I can hear them clearly.

"Great another normie" oh shit here we go again another school full of racist spoiled pieces of shit

"Well Y/n here is new here make him feel like he belongs here, you can now sit Y/n" the teacher said

I sit back to my original sit next to Ajax "bro was my introduction good" I whisper

Son of a Vengeful Mastermind (Male Reader insert) (On Going)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora