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Y/n "Thornhill"
17 years old
Sex is Male
Sexuality is Straight
His birthday day is October 13, 2005 same as Wednesday but a year older and same birthday as Jack the Ripper (I know that's not Jack the ripper's real birthday but in this story it is)

He is a Half Breed,Half Human and Half something because no one knows it except his mother which she doesn't tell him what it is he doesn't even know his father's name so the other Half is a mystery to him, he is discriminated by other students at...

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He is a Half Breed,Half Human and Half something because no one knows it except his mother which she doesn't tell him what it is he doesn't even know his father's name so the other Half is a mystery to him, he is discriminated by other students at Nevermore since he is a 'normie' and discriminated by the humans because he is a 'freak'.

He has a sickness so he has to drink it weekly but it is fuckin big that he wants to throw it up but beggars can't be choosers.

He has an insane skill at dodging almost all attack he sometimes calls himself Heimdall from God of War Ragnarok minus the prideful piece of shit attitude.

He wants some things but knows he couldn't get it because his mom is just a 'teacher' so the things that he want he won't get but thankful for his mom for doing her best for him.

He wears the regular school uniform which is blue but he would prefer it red but again beggars can't be choosers.

His personality is passive leaning more to the positive but sometimes talk negative things about someone and fight them if they piss him off too much.

His likes are reading, plants, chess, swords, friends and games.

His dislikes are lying, people lying to him, his mom keeping secrets, Wednesday's attitude a small bit, cheaters in games and very cold winds.

He HATES the discrimination, betrayal, broken promises and bratty pieces of shit.

My usual Text-o-speech style will be replaced with the Narrative Style.

"Hello readers I am Us3rm3m3 the author of this story" the man introducing himself offering a handshake you accept it and shake his hand.

"Welp anyway what are you waiting for read the rest of the story" Us3rm3m3 said,you hurry and scroll down or swipe right to read the story.

Draft: May 14, 2023

Wondering were was I did you well it is because of my phone broke and it had a lot of memories inside it they said that it can't be fix and now I'm very piss of to my well friend but holding it back got a new phone after using some of my saved up money that I've had since Grade 7 and my part time job don't worry I'm alive I'm alright so wherever you are I had something to say GOOD MORNING GOOD EVENING AND GOOD NIGHT 👋

Son of a Vengeful Mastermind (Male Reader insert) (On Going)Where stories live. Discover now