Hinata Sakaguchi x male reader

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Heeeeyyyyyyy-....... Well this is not the end of my hiatus i just want this chapter uploaded,

why?... I don't know ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


3rd pov

It's been two weeks since the incident in the classroom and we can see Hinata and Y/n inside a house, y/n on the floor while Hinata is standing in front of the young man's unconscious body. Wearing a furious expression on her hands a bat stained with a little bit of blood


In the park we can see three girls talking and giggling it was Hinata Shuna and Chloe

Shuna: ne-ne how's your progress on Rimuru-kun Chloe-san

Shuna asks teasingly and Chloe responds

Chloe: No luck *sigh* i keep approaching him and he keeps pushing me away

She said in disappointment and Shuna frowned at the site of her friend being down
While Hinata just kept quiet

Shuna: it's ok Chloe-san there's always next time

Shuna tried to cheer up her friend which luckily worked as Chloe seems to turn back to her cheerful personality and looked at Hinata's direction

Chloe: what about you Hinata do you have someone you like in particular

Hinata just stayed quiet and Chloe sigh in disappointment

They continue walking until they reach a cross walk waiting for the sign to turn green

As they were waiting Hinata looked around and spotted something that made her blood boiled

Hinata: "THAT BASTARD!!!"

Across the road there Y/n with another woman

Hinata: I'll deal with him later.

Her voice dripped with venom, making Shuna and Chloe shiver in fear. They exchanged glances, but didn't dare to question Hinata further. The rest of the walk back to school was done in silence, each girl lost in their own thoughts.

By the time school ended, Hinata had calmed down somewhat. She saw Y/n walking in the hallway, chatting with a group of friends. He caught her eye, and the smile on his face immediately faded. He quickly excused himself and made his way over while the others kept walking.

Y/n: Hinata...I...

But Hinata didn't let him finish. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a deserted corner of the school.

Hinata: Who was that woman?

Y/n: W-what woman?

Hinata: Don't play dumb with me!

Y/n gulped, clearly frightened. He knew he was in trouble.

Y/n: She... she was just a friend.

Hinata: A friend, huh? And since when do you have female friends?

Y/n: I... I...

Hinata: You're lying. I'll teach you a lesson.

With that, Hinata raised her hand and slapped Y/n across the face. His eyes widened in shock and he fell to the floor. Hinata stormed off, leaving a stunned Y/n nursing his cheek.

Later that day, Hinata showed up at Y/n's house, bat in hand. She barged in, finding Y/n alone. He looked up, startled, as she approached.

Hinata: You need to learn your place, Y/n.

Before he could respond, she swung the bat, hitting him square in the chest. He fell to the floor, gasping for breath. Hinata raised the bat again, ready to strike.

Flashback end

Now, Hinata stood over Y/n's unconscious body, her expression dark. She dropped the bat to the floor, her anger slowly subsiding. She knew she had gone too far this time, but she couldn't help herself. She felt a strange satisfaction seeing Y/n lying on the floor, helpless.

Hinata: This is what happens when you cross me, Y/n.

With that, she left the house after patching him up, leaving Y/n alone and unconscious on his bed. As Hinata walked away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. She knew that things had taken a dark turn and she wasn't sure how they would end.


A/n: sorry for the short chapter

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