female yuuki x male reader

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3rd pov

In heaven there standing the most powerful being's in the cardinal world

they're watching the figth in front of them unfold not saying a single word they were to focus to the fight that all of them forgot too breath not that they need too breath because they don't need it too live 

but the they felt a gust of wind pass them the wind was so strong that it generated a smoke screen that blinded them even thought they have universal detect, 

once the smoke died down what they saw next shock them too the very core. they saw rimuru laying there bloodied and with a hole on his chest 

while they were looking at the body of rimuru yuuki laugh crazily and everyone looked at her. yuuki saw this stop and looked at a certain person with a yandere smile. and that certain person was non other than Y/N L/N who stared at her eyes for a good 3 second's after someone interrupted them 

Yuuki pov

yuuki: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... i guest i won this war right?

i said while tilting my head provoking them and it worked they were glaring at me excep my darling Y/n he looks soo cute when he look's scared ahh~ can't wait too claim you once and for all i just need too get rid of this bug's first soo we can live together alone 


the supposed strongest demon lord said while blaring his puny aura like a child, honestly his really annoying i'll take care of that 

3rd pov

as guy was releasing a large amount of magicule's he suddenly got hit by a rey of holy magic and instantly died, and what's in the place where guy was previously standing was a glowing orb that floated towards yuuki's hand. when the orb reached yuuki's hand she spoke

yuuki: this little demon annoys me too much soo i'll just get rid of it for a sec

when she said that she tightened her grip too the orb until it crack and finally shater. everyone saw this and was more enrage and lunch at her , too this yuuki smiled and used beelzebub too consume them 

when everyone was gone she looked at Y/n who was crying griping the handle of his sword ready too attack when suddenly yuuki teleported behind him and said

yuuki: hello darling miss me?

she said and licked his neck, Y/n shievered from this and did not say a thing, and yuuki continued 

yuuki: aaw~ why are you giving me the silent treatment did i do something wrong daaaarling


before y/n can finish his word's he was interrupted by yuuki forcing his head too look at her angered morphed face, when y/n saw yuuki's expresion he instantly stop what he was about to say and kept quiet

Yuuki: what was that darling~

she said with venomous voice and releasing a huge killing intent directed too y/n, not too big too kill him just enough too scare him 

yuuki: that' what thought... Now do you want too go too our home honey 

Y/n stayed quiet not saying a word because of the masiv killing intent yuuki is releasing, yuui notice then turn off the aura, Y/n then breath an ooe at yuuki with a glare too thi yuuki only smirke 

yuuki: i'm gonna take that as  yes. Now come on our house is waiting 

y/n then fell too the grownde and yuuki catch him 

yuuki: now that my darling is sleeping im gonna finish my job here and live with my darling forever in a the world i will create 

she said lifting her hand powering up a big spere of destructive energy with a craze smile while holding the body of the unconscious y/n 

yuuki: now... BYE BYE 

as she yelled those word's she fired the ball of turn null at the cardinal world destroying it's inhabitant's and the world it self 

Y/N pov

as i started to regain my conscious i felt an extreme head ach  as i holed my head i notice that my surrounding feel's strange like the magicules change 

Y/n: what.. the heck is going on here 

when i stood and walked too the door when i suddenly had a strange feeling that if i open this door something bad is going too happen. I mentally prepared my self then then open the door 

Y/n: this... beautiful 

what i saw was a field of grass stretch from miles away with many variants of beautiful flowers everywhere and a flowing clear river too top it all up

i then felt a pair of hand's wrap around my waist i was so mesmerised by the view i din't notice that someone was sneaking behind me. then the person speak

???: gorgeous isn't it....

a feminine voice said near my ear, i shivered from the warm breath that exhaled from her mouth. as i turn around my face morphed in anger and fear as my whole body froze... it was yuuki kagurazaka 

yuuki: hello daaarlin~

Y/n: ...

Yuuki: aaawwww~ are you still mad at me... you doo know i did that just for you rigth 

her voice the way she talke her innocent smiles... it's sickening, it makes me wanna puke, and the worst part of it all was... he couldn't help but like it 

3rd pov

they stayed there for a good minute staring at each other in silent after yuuki broke the silent 

Yuuki: i did that for us you know that... those bitches were getting too close to you and i can't have that you're mine and mine alone no one else

yuuki said the last sentence with an angry tone and an expression that want's too kill again 

Y/n: ... y-you di-din't have too do all that... we could have live together in the cardinal world peace

Yuuki: din't you hear me darling... i cant let you go unprotected rom those bitches 

Y/n: but-

before y/n can continue he wa cut off by a massiv releas ofmagiculles tht shoo the whole area if not the world 

Yuuki: that's enough i don't wan't you talking about other girl's or there you will be punish 

Y/n gulpe not wanting too be punish he nodded and stayed quiet, yuui smiled and lean foward attempting too kiss him y/n din't move and just let her kiss him. the kiss lasted five minutes before yuuki seperated 

Yuuki: good now you want too explore the world i created 


to be continue

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