Yandere Rimuru x male reader

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Y/n pov

Y/n: "it's been one and a half hour since rimuru went home i thought he would have stayed longer to torture me"

Y/n: "damnit man rimuru is really troublesome. he even took the manga I haven't finished reading yet damnit"

Y/n: "at least he's gone I can finally relax"

He thought then started to undress tossing them too the side then grab a towel and walked to the bathroom

Y/n: man I need a shower i stink

3rd pov

As y/n enter the bathroom he got to the shower and turned it on

Unbeknownst to him there's was a person watching him shower

Change place

There we can see a certain long blue haired boy Infront of his computer. His hand on his crotch panting heavily

Rimuru pov

Rimuru: aahn-ahn y/n aanh-aanh y/n oooohh~y/n. (Pant) (pant)

Rimuru: y/n your sooo hot, your body is beautiful and your member is perfect i want it inside me 

Rimuru: but first i need to eliminate and kill my competitors then your finally mine

He said with a devilish grin

Back too y/n 3rd pov

After y/n was done showering he got changed and did his usual routine until he got interrupted by someone shouting

When he got down he saw his sister taking off her shoes, he welcomed his sister and went to the kitchen to get some food and water for his sister

he then head to the living room where his sister was watching anime

Y/n pov

I sat right next to nee-chan when i got the felling that something bad's gonna happen, but shrug it off and continue watching tv.

After the show was finished nee-chan immediately slump to the couch and fell sleep
I signed and got up tares too my room and got a blanket and got down again too the living room and put it on top of nee-chan

Time skip Monday 3rd pov

We can see y/n walking to school,

while his walking he bump into someone, he fell down to the ground and while he was still in the ground the person stretch it's hand,

Y/n saw this and look at the person who lend there hand, when he saw who it was he suddenly have a fearful expression

When the person saw his expression was, they were confused, they the ask y/n if he was alright, y/n heard this and was also confused

Y/n pov

I was listening too my favorite music while walking too school then suddenly bump too someone,

The force was hard then fell on my butt
When I was about too stand up I saw a hand reach out too me,

I looked up who i bump into and saw Rimuru?



Rimuru?: Um hello are you alright

Y/n: "…Huh?…what?…is he asking me if I'm…alright…"

I was confused and saw that rimuru? was also confused,

Y/n: "I guess he saw my expression"

I took rimuru's hand and get myself up, when I got up we were face to face he suddenly said something that made me even more confused

Rimuru?: "I'm sorry i bump into you, i was chasing my brother because he forgot his bento and i suddenly loss him i hope you can forgive

Y/n.exe has stop

DID RIMURU ACTUALLY APOLOGIZE TO ME…wait he said brother…and his not wearing our uniform instead his wearing the uniform with a skirt of the most prestigious school in Japan…could it be…there TWINS"

I was cut off out of my thoughts by the mysterious person right Infront of me that is apparently my bullies' sister

???: Um helloo (wave's hand) are you there…i said in sorry

Y/n: um ye-yeah I'm sorry too…by any chance is your brother rimuru?

She nodded and said

???: Yes do you know him

Y/n: w-well…kinda (scratch neck) were on the same class and schedule

???: Really? Then can you please bring this too him I'm going too be late (gave the bento)

I was about too speak something when she tilted her head. I stop and just nodded

3rd pov

Unbeknownst to them there was a certain someone watching in the bushes the whole time,

and that certain someone was none other than rimuru him self,

His was gripping the stone so hard that it shattered,

when y/n was gone he stand up and got out of the bush,

He then followed y/n to school while wearing an expression of a predator looking at it's prey

Rimuru pov

I was walking too school when i saw y/n on the way,

i hid into the bushes and followed him walk to school when suddenly he bump into someone,

I was about too make i appearance know when i saw who bump into him,
…It was my sister ciel

After they talked they parted ways and y/n continued walking,

I had mix emotion while they talked it was anger grief frustration sadness and most sare jealousy

Time skip lunchtime y/n pov

The ring the ring belled and the teacher dismissed us,

when everyone was gone i got stand up and went too the rooftop,

when i got too the rooftop i sat on the bench while taking out my bento then i saw rimuru's bento and i suddenly remembered i was supposed to give it too him

Y/n: shit i forgot i was suppose to give it too him…
Well i better give it too him right now while everyone is still with him

I was about too stand up when i heard the door closed and a click sound,

I went too the door and tried too open it but can't,

i tried again and failed again i started too panic because i was locked in the roof when i felt a tap on my shoulder

I turned around too see who tap me and i felt fear from the bottom of my soul as i saw rimuru with a devilish smile,


To be continue

Author's note:
Yeah i decided to cut it by 3 1000 word per chapter cause im too lazy

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