Chapter Three

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Summary: Talia spent a free afternoon with her sisters. A surprise news was shared by their mother at supper.

"Don't ride your bike around the inside of our house. You're leaving tire tracks everywhere," I told Mia when I got home from school. I looked at my little sister. Her curly hair was flying as she circled from one room to another. She was barefoot and she wore one of Celia's expensive for-parties-only tops as a dress. "And for the love of all animals, please get your cat out of that basket. He looks like he's going to get sick in a minute or so and vomit on the floor."

When we were kids, Celia and I were not allowed to have pets because Dad was allergic to dog and cat hair (and to grass and oddly, to coins) but now that he was based in Cebu for almost a year, Mom relented for Mia to have a kitten. I think it was also because Mom felt guilty. Since the shop started doing well, she had been extremely busy. Even when she was home, it did not feel like she was fully with us. She was either in the kitchen baking or trying out a new recipe or poring over taxes, inventory and bank statements. Then there was her time spent with Tim.

Mia stopped cycling and peered at her cat, which was wrapped in an old blanket in her bike basket. "Marjoram Magenta likes our bike rides, especially fast ones."

"You are aware that Marjoram Magenta is a he, right?" I tied my hair in a loose bun.

"Of course I know that he is a he." Mia said. Then she ran off outside in the yard with the cat tucked snugly in her arms.

My last class finished early so I had time to squeeze in a hair appointment. I could classify myself as somewhat low-maintenance but I have to have my hair treatment every six months or so because my wavy hair had a tendency to be very dry and disagreeable.

"Hey, Jedi Jay," I heard Mia said. She rang the bell that was attached to her bike's handlebars for a few times.

"Hey back. Nice bike and even nicer hair. Is your sister home?"

"Which one?"


"Yes, but she's going out." I heard the cat mewled in agreement.

"On a date?" His voice sounded surprisingly disapproving.

"Yes. Sort of. With a fabulous guy with hair superpowers."

"Really? That's bizarre. I thought she preferred a fabulous guy with architectural superpowers."

"Huh? You're weird, Jedi Jay." I could hear a hint of admiration in my sister's voice. I could not blame her. It was not every day that her little oddities were noticed or responded to. Especially now that Mom was busy and Celia and I were often at school.

"Thank you. You're wondrously weirder. Your cat just peed on your blanket though."

I went out of the yard and ushered Jay in. He smiled at me as he followed me inside. We went into the kitchen. Jay took a few of the mini brownies in a cloche-covered plate on the table.

"Your little sister called me Jedi Jay. I thought no one speaks Star Wars in this household."

I smirked at him as I put my phone in my pocket. Then I put my money on my other pocket. Celia would be home soon. She would watch over Mia until Mom would arrive home from work.

"No one speaks about, listens to, and comprehends anything Star Wars here," I clarified. "Mia called you that because Celia calls you that because like you, her current crush is also an active member of the nerd herd. He's probably the ringleader, even. Or the area boss man or sector chief something." I smiled at Jay and said, "Don't be offended, by the way. She calls her crush as Sith Sam."

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