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Songs for this chapter:
-Forever by Labrinth
-wild by John Legend
-Cardigan by Taylor Swift

Kuroo's POV

The genuinely shocked look on Daichi's face said it all, but he was relieved at the same time probably that we weren't announcing we were pregnant. "Congratulations Mara, I am so happy for you guys" Daichi said as we stood up and he gave each of us a big hug. "Of course I am gonna miss having this wonderful little girl laughing and running around in our home but I am so glad that you are enjoying each other's company enough to want to live together" Daichi's mom said to us as she hugged Mara. "Thank you so much, it means so much that you are here to support me after my parents made their decisions" Mara said as her face dropped a little. It honestly broke my heart to see her look like that even for a little bit.

"Of course, you guys are just as much my family as Daichi is, and you are welcome to come over and visit with us anytime you want" Mrs Sawamura said as she helped Salem take a bite of a cookie. "Have your mom and dad tried to reach out to you at all since Salem was born" She asked Mara. "Yeah they have but I have not responded to their messages or calls once, they cannot cut me off like that when I needed them the absolute most and expect to be able to worm their way back into me and Salem's lives again now that they are ready to be grandparents" Mara explained. "They really lost the opportunity to get to know the sweetest little girl around by letting their own hatefulness get in the way of it" I said as I was handed a cookie covered Salem.

"I agree" Mara said as she kissed Salem's cheek. "Anyway, we should get going. Hey, are we still good to have Salem's birthday party here on Wednesday" Mara asked Mrs Sawamura curiously. "Of course you are Mara, we would not have it any other way" she said as she kissed a sugar crashed Salem's head and hugged us goodbye. "Drive safe guys, let me know when you get home" she said as we walked out to our car. "We always do, see you on Wednesday" I said back as I strapped my sleeping kid into her car seat. "Goodnight baby, I love you" I said as I kissed her head and closed the car door.

"And off we go" I said as I started the car and started to pull out of the driveway. "No way she is going to be a year old, I refuse to believe she isn't 2 months old anymore" I said as we headed home. "I know right, it is fucking insane how much she had grown" Mara said, I could tell she was half asleep. "Sleep, I will take care of everything don't worry" I said as we pulled into our driveway. "No let me help, I can help" she said as she yawned. "I am serious, I got this. You can go back to sleep" I said as I got out of the car. "Fine, since you are so insistent that you do not need my help" she said before falling back to sleep in her seat. "Let's get you and your mom inside first before I bring your new things inside" I said as I unbuckled a passed out Salem from her car seat and carried her upstairs to her room. "Here we go baby girl" I said as I stripped her down to her diaper and laid her down gently in the crib.

"Shh, it is okay" I said as she stirred in her sleep. "Sleep tight baby, I'll be back soon I promise" I said as I kissed her head and closed the door to her makeshift nursery behind me. "Now Mara, let's get you upstairs" I said as I headed back out to the car. "Hey sweetie, grab on to my neck okay, I'm gonna take you inside and up to bed babes" I said as she complied to my request. "I love you Kuroo" she muttered to me as I carried her upstairs and laid her on the bed. "I love you too Mars, I will be right back I just need bring everything inside first" I said as I covered her up and kissed her forehead. "Okay, make it quick" she grumbled as I walked back out to the car.

I rushed as fast as I could to bring everything in cause I was just as tired as everyone else was. I put everything away in its spot and slowly made my way to me and Mara's room where I flopped on the bed. "Come to bed rooster" a sleepy Mara said as she lifted the blanket as if to invite me in. "Let me take off my shirt and shoes first" I said before quickly discarded the unnecessary clothing. "Good" she said as she cuddled into my chest and fell asleep together.

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