Chapter Eight

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She was shocked. His body slammed to the ground. She stared at the gun shot whom. Right between his eyes. Clean shot. She had to play it off though. She screamed as loud as she could. Releasing all her troubles. She screamed again "SOMEBODY CALL 9-11!!" Outside the door.

She walked to the kitchen and cleaned her prints off the gun and ran to the garage. She stuffed the gun up under her car and ran back into the house. The neighbors where walking into the front frantically while on the phone with police.

She fell to her knees next to Montavious body and cried over it. She grabbed his face "Nooo noooo" she said repeatedly. On this inside she was relieved. No more pain no more tears and no more suffering.


Bonnie and Jeanette both got out of the all black limo. "Miyuki you ready to go" asked Jeanette grasping her hand. Bonnie nodded staying silent. They walked into the church waiting for the doors to open. Some of Montavious friends hugged and greeted both her and Jeanette.

After a while the doors open and Montavious casket was closed. His face was too scary to look at. The pastor spoke "what's done in the dark comes to the light..can I get a amen." She felt like he was speaking right at her. After the pastor was done it was Jeanette's turn to speak. When she got up there her eyes instantly watered up "My boy... He didn't deserve this!" She broke out crying.

Bonnie got up as well with some others and guided her off the podium. "Bonnie speak for me please" Jeanette asked as she was guided off. Bonnie was not expecting to speak at all. She already felt guilty enough. But she had to. So she did. She mentally prepared herself for the eulogy she was about to give.

" When I first met Montavious I wasn't in my right state of mind. I was struggling to find myself and my identity. He changed that for me. He became my rock, my peace, my tranquility. Idk what I'm going to do without-" she looked down. She was having flashbacks. Of the pain, the blood. " without you. I will always love you Montavious. In death... we'll meet again." She said wiping her tears walking off the podium. She sat back in her seat right next to Jeanette.

She was satisfied. Yuh she was feeling this wave of happiness at the wrong time but she wasn't hurt. She was content.

She'd got her revenge.


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