Chapter One

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Miyuki [my-you-key]

"Who are you as a person. As a individual being?" Bonnie's therapist asked her. She stared at her trying to figure out that question herself. "I-" struggling to push out her words she stuttered. "I- I- um I'm a 18 year old girl who's struggling mentally and physically." A tear fell and she started rambling.

"Im sitting here, back in my childhood therapist's office. Back at square one. Back hallucinating. Back with self shaming. Back with depression- all of this is just overwhelming. I can't take it anymore." She shrugged trying to smile through her tears.

"What do you mean by that. You cant take it anymore, is that a feeling you felt causing you to attempt to commit suicide?" She asked. "I just wanted everything to stop. I just wanted to stop the negativity in my head. I still want it all to stop. So yes, it is a reason why suicide was a option." Bonnie said nodding. It was either that or drugs...Drugs only made shit worse.

She wrote down in her notepad. She's always writing in that damn notepad. "I understand you were getting better and you decided to stop taking your medication, but Bonnie you can't just stop without your psychologists observation and permission." She said. "But you said I was doing fine and that I was progressing. Dr.Livingston I hate taking those medications it makes me drowsy and it- it- it fucks up my appetite. I don't eat. Im damn near anoretic." Bonnie complained getting worked up.

"I understand Bonnie. Trust me I understand but in order for you to be cleared you have to show improvement. You committing suicide is not improvement bonnie. Am I wrong or not?" She asked. Bonnie dropped her head as tears fell down her face. "Your not" She said lowly.

"Listen, I'm not trying to make you feel ashamed. But Bonnie you have to show progression." Dr.Livingston said calmly handing Bonnie a box of tissues. She grabbed them and wiped her face. "How's your current living situation?" She asked changing the subject.

"I'm still living with my 20 year old cousin Winter." Bonnie answered picking at her nails. "Is her boyfriend still pestering and soliciting you?" She asked. Bonnie smirked and when she did Dr.Livingston's facial expression grew confused. "Yes but his soliciting doesn't bother me negatively anymore." She answered still smirking.

"Why not?" Dr.Livingston asked picking up her pin. "He shows me attention. Which I like, and I know it's not right and I was complaining about it but he is just persistent and the attention is something I've been wanting and craving and he provides it to me." Bonnie answered smiling all goggly eyed just thinking about him.

Her therapist began to write down in her notepad again. She looked at Bonnie. "Male attention." She said. "What?" Bonnie asked confused. "This attention your talking about. You seek male attention. That feeling of feeling wanted and needed maybe even loved. You want it. Specifically from a man." She said writing in her notepad again.

Bonnie sat back in the seat and thought about it. Well I do have daddy issues could that be why? Maybe.

The timer went off startling her. Dr.Livingston took her glasses off and began to speak. "Our time is up Ms.Brownings. Please take your medication, it is the only way you'll be free from those negative thoughts you talked about. I'll see you next week." She smiled and stopped her timer from blaring in their ears. "See you next week." Bonnie said happy to leave the place.

As soon as She walked out She seen her  cousin's car parked. Bonnie walked up to the passenger side and got in. "Put on your seat belt." Winter said side eyeing her. She's mad at her. Winter being mean and snubbing Bonnie was her way of showing her disappointment. Bonnie attempting to commit suicide took a tole on Winter as well. A little before Bonnie mom's death Winter promised her she would take care of Bonnie. Winter felt like she wasn't doing what she promised.

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