5. Why Are You Following Me?

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TW: Accused Unaliving Attempt, Prior Drug Abuse

August 28th, 2007
4:54 PM
Since Ricky called Aaron 'Homophobic,' EJ wondered if that meant he was gay. EJ was still fuming from being replaced by walking off campus without talking to his friend. His house was just a couple of blocks away from the school. He looked both ways before crossing the street. Even though it was his time to walk, some crazy drivers would run the red light.

"Why the fuck are you following me?" EJ snapped after crossing his street.

"You are the last person I would be following," Ricky snapped, and the two stormed toward their houses.

"Seriously, Junior! I won't be afraid to fuck you up," EJ snapped, grabbing Ricky's shirt by the collar, "Why the fuck do you have that gross scar on your neck? You didn't try to kill your pathetic ass, did you?" EJ pushed him, and Ricky's face went hot with anger.

"I am not following you! Ass Hat! I am walking to my house," Ricky pushed back and stormed before him. He turned into his neighborhood and entered his gate code. "Why don't you stop following me!? Ken Doll," He snapped.

"I not! I am trying to go home!" EJ huffed, and the two stomped beside each other, nudging their way ahead. "Stop trying to flirt with me. Stop saying I am attractive," EJ nudged him.

"You aren't attractive when you have the personality of a grass-blade," Ricky was walking with his hands crossed and hands tucked into his armpits. EJ thought he looked adorable and mad, Ricky kept saying he had pretty eyes, or Ken Doll was distracting him from being angry at him.

"Stop following me!" the two turned to each other, screaming in unison in front of their houses. Ricky's father was on the porch watering his plants, trying not to worry about why Ricky was so late.

"Get away from me, Fairy! I should have never saved you at the County Fair!" EJ shoved him hard; Mike knew his son well and started to run to intercept. Ricky stood back up and jumped up cocking his fist back to hit EJ in the face so hard. EJ should be grateful because it would have broken his perfect nose if Mike hadn't grabbed his son by the waist and pulled him away.

"What is going on here!" Mike shouted, stepping between them. He looked at EJ, upset. He had thanked him numerous times for helping his son in '97. EJ crossed his arms and looked down at his feet. He was so worked up that he had forgotten who his neighbor was.

"He is following me!" Ricky struggled to get around his father, so he climbed over him and pushed EJ to the sidewalk.

"Go inside..." Mike said he still had tunnel vision to pummel EJ's face. "Go. Inside. Ricky!" He shouted at his son, and Ricky flinched. His mouth was agape, and then he stormed inside. "Listen, Son... now I have been kind to you because I know what happens in your house, and I know what you feel like... but I admired you for breaking the cycle and helping my son," Mike scolded, and EJ looked down at his feet still on the sidewalk. "I do not encourage violence. If I ever see you pushing my son again... your mother will be the one sending me to prison," he threatened.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bowen... I didn't know it was him," EJ took Mike's hand and stood up, "Well... I didn't wait until lunch, you have helped me out, and I don't want to upset you," He sighed.

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