50: Boyfriend Goes Missing

Start from the beginning

"I know you're there." Marcus said without a care. He turned in his chair to face me. His body was tense and his jaw clenched.

"What happened downstairs?" I sincerely said.

"Nothing. Just tired. I ran into some troubling people that's all."

"Troubling as in?"

"Why do you care so much?" Marcus snapped.

"Because I care about you. You've been acting weird for a while now, Marcus."

"Do you mean I haven't been acting like the 'perfect' boyfriend for you?" He said. "Always doing what you say and agreeing to whatever you say. Well, I'm sick of it."


Marcus went to grab his jacket twisting his room's door knob. "I'm going out."


He didn't say anything and left the room. As he walked away from me I noticed something concerning. At the base of his neck a black spot was there, that was certainly not there before. I followed his seeing him quicken his pace and slammed the front door shut.

"Who's slamming my door?!" Grandpa yelled from his room.

"I'm going after Marcus. I'll be back." I yelled back.

Grandpa peeked out of his room. "Be careful. Love you."

"Love you."

I took my jacket from the coat hanger and ran out the door. I spotted him walking down the road then going into an alley. I picked up my pace to not lose sight of him. I just hope whatever he's involved in isn't dangerous.


It's been hours since I've been waiting outside a building. Marcus has traveled far to reach a worn down building. I hide behind the building occasionally peeking inside the broke window. Inside a women met up with him. Now I don't want to assume but this seems a little suspicious on Marcus's behalf. I don't take him as a cheater and I completely trust him but that hug seemed a little too personal.

Soon after some minutes more people came into the room.

   "I'm here. Now what?" Marcus said, crossing his arms. The women smirked circling him as the other people stood aside watching.

   "What do you think?"

   "You said I had a week to think about it? I still have two days." Marcus said.

Think about what? What is she talking about? My gaze flickering between the women and her followers. Marcus, what did you get yourself into?

   "It's not hard to decided. You're either with me or not. And I think you would want to be with me, if not your little girlfriend and friends will face consequences for your actions." The women threatened. Marcus rolled his hands into fists.

   "You said you wouldn't hurt them." He sternly said.

    "If you join me. So what will it be, Marcus?" The women repeated. Desperate for his spot on her team.

    "I still have two days." Marcus brought up.

    "I thought you would've said that."

A blinding light engulfed the room making me turn away shielding my eyes. The blinding light lasted for about a minute before I looked back. I rubbed my eyes adjusting to the room.

A sharp gasp left me my lips.

They were gone and so was Marcus. This isn't good.


    "I'm telling you they just disappear."

    "We're getting to the bottom of this tonight." Grandpa said, marching to Marcus's room. He couldn't seem to get his computer going so all we could rely on is what I saw. I told him that before going to the abandoned building Marcus was on his computer. Grandpa believed whatever Marcus was looking at must be a clue to where he disappeared to.

As he turned his computer on the last thing Marcus searcher appear on screen.

It was a location. Grandpa pressed search and an island appeared. Grandpa looked more into it but found nothing. It was one of many island. We looked at each other with concern.

Please be okay, Marcus.


A/N: This one was short but hope you still enjoyed it.

Word count: 1343

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