Before either of his brothers could answer him, Fred mumbling something about seeing Jonathan fighting the alpha wolf last he saw him, the sound of branches and trees rustling together drawing their attention to the very spot where Noah, Damien, and Lucas had been sitting not so long ago. A lone figure came out through the trees, standing on the small incline of the hill. Whatever Noah had been imagining, a hulking figure like the Incredible Hulk or some kind of monstrous Big Foot, was completely unfounded as a young boy, not that much older than Noah really, appeared out of thin air. He stepped out on bare feet onto the grass wearing only a ripped up white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts that were extremely ripped at the bottom. He was by no means strong looking but he had a solid build of a high school athlete. The strangest part about him was his face. There was something thick and red covering his chin, as dark as blood but there was something round and clumpy on the skin of his chin like warts or large pimples. The boy or... creature looked down at them all, his eyes vacant and his face devoid of all emotion.

"Oh geez! It's just a stupid vampire," Liam grumbled, rolling his eyes, but then he noticed there were quite a lot of vampires to his left who were staring at the creature like he was some kind of alien. The werewolves, though most were still in wolf form, similarly looked freaked as a few backed away with threatening growls. "Why do they all look like they've seen a ghost?" Liam whispered, Fred groaning with yet another bad pun when Noah grabbed Fred's jacket urging them to back away. "Okay, dude, you're starting to freak me out," Liam muttered, following Noah's example backing away from the strange creature.

"We need to find dad and the others now," Noah hissed as his skin crawled just looking at the young man even though they were halfway across the large field from the creature.

"What is that?" Fred whispered, pulling both Liam and Noah backwards sensing something dangerous.

"I don't know but I don't think they like it any better than we do," Liam hissed back as he glanced between the vampires and werewolves who were also retreating, slowly but surely.

The creature just stood there, silent and still watching them all with such vacant eyes. It didn't move. It didn't blink. It didn't even look like he was breathing. Every single person on that field was unnerved but there was a few who couldn't stand that feeling of fear. One of the werewolves let out a snarl, snapping at the air like it was poisonous to him. He suddenly darted forward even as other werewolves barked at him, clearly telling him to get back but the werewolf didn't listen. It bounded up the hill in no time at all, lunging at the creature aiming for the young man's neck. Quicker than the speed of light, the creatures arm shot out and caught the werewolf by the neck causing it to yelp in pain. It thrashed and squirmed, growling in anger but it soon turned to pain as it tried to scratch at the creature but was unsuccessful. In fact, even as it's claws raked down the young man's arm, it did absolutely no damage. The werewolf scratched at his chest, even kicked his legs, but that only tore up his clothes. There was no blood, no sign of pain on his face, not even a scratch on his skin. Just those vacant eyes staring up at the werewolf as it struggle and whimpered in pain.

"Release him!" one of the werewolves started to bellow, stepping forward, when they all heard the audible snap as the creature snapped the wolf's neck with such ease that it didn't even look like the creature moved.

Everyone seemed to move at once; the werewolves all howled with rage looking like they were going to go on the attack, the vampires hissed and started barking orders at one another to retreat even as many of the vampires looked like they wanted to kill the creature just as much as the werewolves. Noah was suddenly slinging his shotgun strap over his shoulder across his chest before grabbing the fronts of his brothers shirts whipping them around.

"Get to the truck!" Noah yelled over the noise of angry monsters, yelling for Issac and William and their father hoping they'd follow his voice but the fighting seemed to resume with several vampires and werewolves clashing together as they tried to attack the creature.

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