Start from the beginning

'Hey!' I exclaim, 'you're shorter than me!'

'You got your first podium this year' she bumps her shoulder against mine.

'I did, didn't I? That was an incredible feeling'

'I was so proud of you, we all knew that you had to be within 5 seconds of Lewis at the end and we were all shouting at the screen and then you go and get the fastest lap as well! The feeling in the garage was electric.'

'This year wasn't without its dramas' I point out. 'Mercedes had their DAS system and then got it banned from next season. We had the whole pink Mercedes thing and don't even get me started on Grojeans crash'

'I still can't believe he walked out of that alive' she says shaking her head.

'Pierre got his first race win, Alex his first podium, George nearly got his first race win. I felt really sorry for him that day, he was absolutely gutted afterwards, and we couldn't even go out for a drink with him to commiserate.'

'Mercedes and Hamilton won again! But you finished 9th so you achieved your goal for this year and McLaren finished 3rd which is amazing!'

'I'm losing Carlos as a teammate' I say sadly.

'But you're friendship might be more relaxed now you're not on the same team and you're gaining Danny, so I think you'll probably spend a lot of next year laughing. I mean I remember that press conference when he had you laughing so much that tears were running down your face and you lost all ability to speak. Zac isn't going to know what's hit him with you two!'

'So, babe' she said turning to face me, 'Predictions for next year?'

'I would like to get more podiums, hopefully win my first race and finish in the top 5' I say seriously. 'I've also got a business idea I want to explore, with your help'

'Well, I'll be attending every race next year now Dad's put me as your full time manager'

'I can't wait to have you by my side all the time, I hate when we're apart. It settles me when you're with me'

'Still no regrets?' She asks me

'Never' I say with a smile

Sunday 12th December 2021

Sienna POV

I have beaten Lando to the podium this year. I don't even know where to start on our season run down. I mean that race was just absolute chaos, abit like the rest of this season really. It's been chaotic from start to finish.

'Hey, I was looking for you' he sits behind me, his legs either side of mine and his head resting on my shoulder.

I chuckled 'Lan, I mean is it just me or was that.....' I trail off. I don't even have the words.

'I know what you mean. Max 100% deserved to win the championship this year but that was......' he was obviously also having issues with putting his thoughts into words.

'This whole season has been like that though, hasn't it? I mean we had Baku, with Max having that puncture and Lewis over shooting the corner, Silverstone, Bottas, the human bowling ball in Hungary, the rain in Spa and the race that wasn't a race. Don't ever do that to me again by the way, your crash in qualifying was the most scared I'd ever been. Another Max/Lewis crash in Monza, Russia and your first pole, and then more rain....'

'It's been drama, drama, drama, I can see why Kimi has decided now is the right time to retire. But... I also got more podiums this year; Italy, Monaco, Austria, that incredible 1-2 in Monza. I try and forget about Sochi, I was so disappointed in myself.' He shakes his head as if to shake the memory of that day from his mind.

'I hated seeing you that heartbroken. As soon as the race was finished I just wanted to run over and give you a massive hug' I lean back against him, pulling his arms around my waist.

'I nearly made it into the top five for the year, but sixth isn't too shabby. And... I signed a new contract. Knowing my future at McLaren is secure and Zac's promise that we're working towards a car that will enable me to battle for a championship makes me feel better. Not sure Christian will ever forgive me for turning Red Bull down again though' I feel the laugh go through his body.

'No he probably won't but it was definitely the right decision. They may have a faster car but you're always going to be second fiddle to Max, you'll never win a championship with them whilst he's there. He's always going to be their first priority'

He nods as he's listening to me.

'And.... Babe.... You've forgotten the most important thing' I say

He looks at me confused.

'We're finally moving to Monaco!' I shout.

'I'm so glad you're coming with me' he grips me tighter.

'Well I couldn't let you go on your own. You'd starve, you know you can't cook'

He suddenly looks at me, with a serious look on his face. 'I've loved you for nearly 5 years, can you believe that?'

He still makes me crazy, even after all this time. I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever he walks in the room. I don't want to ever be without this man sitting behind me. 

'I have something for you. Another charm for your bracelet' He pulls out a small tiffany box and I gasp as I see a beautiful, miniature, diamond ring, nestled on the fabric.

'I want to re-make that promise I made to you three years ago. This is a promise ring. I promise to love you with all my heart for the rest of my life. One day it'll be a ring on your finger but until then this will serve as a reminder of how I feel about you'

'Lan... it's beautiful.' I smile up at him, I pull him close to kiss him. 'But please... when you do propose, do not do it up here.' I giggle.

A/N It's a fairly long chapter this time as I needed to cover three years of time without writing a million chapters. I've tried to keep it brief but at the same time cover all the important bits. We're into 2022 next!

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