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Saturday 8th December 2018

Sienna POV

I've been bouncing off the walls all day in anticipation of my date with Lando, nervous energy I guess you'd say. My mum got so fed up with me she shoed me out of the house and told me to go and run it off. So that is how I find myself in the middle of a 5-mile run, music blaring through my headphones. Some people hate running but I love it, always clears my head, and puts me on an even keel. Sometimes I run in silence, alone in my thoughts, sometimes I run in anger with rock music at full volume, I also run when I'm upset, that's when all the power ballads and songs full of angst come out. Today though, I'm happy running so the songs are all cheesy and uplifting.

I get home and head straight for the shower. It would not be a good look for me to turn up to my date all sweaty. I wash my hair and make sure I shave, all over, just in case. The thought of something happening after our date makes me shiver in anticipation and I have to cross my legs until the sensation subsides.

I have no idea what to wear so I take pictures of me in a few outfits and send them to the girls for them to help me choose. It's freezing outside so they pick the long, green, figure hugging, knitted dress that apparently brings out my eyes. I pair it with some black boots and a chunky necklace not forgetting my charm bracelet. I'm starting to pace again, the butterflies growing in my stomach so I go downstairs to wait for Lando to arrive.

Lando POV

I'm a nervous wreck waiting for it to be time for my date with Sienna. I must have changed my shirt a thousand times but none of them seem right. Where is my lucky black shirt?

'Max! Has the washing come back from the laundry service yet?' I yell.

'Yeah, I think it came back today, check the hallway cupboard'.

As I open the cupboard doors, I see the bag of clothes on the shelf. I rummage through it until I find... 'Ah ha, here it is'.

I go into the living room and give Max a twirl. 'What do you think?'

'Fit' he replies, chuckling. 'I'm just glad she finally agreed to go out with you so the revolving door of Sienna knock offs through your bedroom will stop'

'Sienna knock offs?' I ask confused.

'Did you not notice how they all look surprisingly like her? Dude.... Really?' he exclaims.

Sienna POV

Lando has picked a really nice Italian for dinner, and he guides me through the restaurant following the waitress to our table, with his hand on my lower back. I can feel the heat as his hand rests there. He's looking really hot tonight, the black shirt he's wearing seem to make his eyes bluer somehow and they're now staring at me across the table.

'I was so nervous today, waiting for this' he admits reaching for my hand across the table, 'you look amazing, by the way' he starts making circular motions with his thumb on the back of my hand.

'I was too, mum shoved me out the door and made me run it off' I laughed. Now that I was here, I wasn't nervous anymore. It felt like it was exactly where I was meant to be.

'So.... I wanted to ask you something....your race number for next season? Did you choose it because you can make that number with your initials or some other reason?'

He looked at me confused 'I can do what?'

I roll my eyes at him, he clearly has no idea what I mean.

'Excuse me' I catch the nearest waiter, 'do you have a pen and a piece of paper I could use?'

He comes back and hands me a small pad of paper and a pen, 'thank you'

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