Chapter 3: They call her Jo

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A body,

A beautiful body,

Carved with such felicity.

Eyes as deep as the sea,

But mysterious,


As an imminent storm.

I remember those eyes. So deep, so blue, oceans couldn't compare. I remember that spark. That flicker of desire and ambition that conquers my very being. In her heart, there is a flame lit. A small flame, unsatisfied by it's size. A flame with such hunger, such hatred, such thirst for something to burn beyond the reach of her inferno fingertips. It is that thirst that brings color to her pale skin, that brings life in her eyes.

  I would leap

off of these castle walls,

and dive

in the blackest abyss,


the malicious dragons,

if it meant

holding her.

Perhaps I am being naive, foolish even. But, if I could, for just one single moment, know what it's like to be by her side, I feel that I would see the world with brand new eyes. Life would have more color, more clarity. There would be things about life, about love, that I wouldn't have understood before. Maybe if she smiles for me, if her eyes grow wider, if she blossoms for me, I would bloom with her. Maybe our hands would touch each other, and in turn, touch the horizon lines that kiss the sky and the sea.

Her beauty

is but a dream,

and yet my love

is all too real.

And in between

the intervals of the night,

my worries hide

and seek refuge

in the-

... Katrina... Katrina... KATRINA

"DAMMIT MAYA!!" my rude awakening causes me to come tumbling down from my bed and flat onto the floor with a huge thud. Disoriented and quite annoyed, I slowly raise myself up. Scarlette finds the entire event to be hilarious.

"Remind you of anyone?" She says in between laughs.

"SHUT UP!!" Maya yells. They both laugh together, but I'm left in a daze. That poem, I need to remember it for later. I can't let it slip.

"You had to wake up sometime sleepy head, it's our first day!" Scarlette sings loudly.

"What time is it?" I ask, picking myself up from the ground.

"It's six o'clock. Hey, I'm ironing. Pass your uniform?" She picks up the ironing board from the closet.

"Uh, yea sure. Thanks." I go over to the draw and pull out the second to last. My uniform is folded neatly. I pick up a wrinkled white dress shirt and a black skirt and pass it to Scarlette. I'm nervous. It's the first day. I better keep my schedule and map close by. I quickly grab a robe and towel and head to the shower.

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