Chapter 7 ~ Wanted Gnome Theif

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A/N: oh wow I am a terrible author I haven't uploaded in so long I'm so sorry but this chapter is coming out on new years. So happy new years everyone and happy holidays just got a computer so chapters will be easier to write but I'm not making promises on them coming out any sooner but hope you enjoy.


We were within a dark room in heartstone trollmarket as Blinky was telling us about troll history or something. It was a whole thing about trolls and humans not liking each other and some of them wanting to eat people and then a big battle happened where they all got locked away. Yada yada blah blah blah. Boring stuff.

I was obviously not paying attention but Blinky seemed to be too immersed in his story that he hadn't even realised. Kirili on the other hand had been leaning forward in anticipation, holding on to his every word in curiosity.

While Jim and Toby were pretty much falling asleep next to each other just as I was full on curled up in a little ball fast asleep. I was so tired as I had stayed up studying all night for all my tests that were coming up, more specifically the Spanish one that was tomorrow.

In my dazed half awake half asleep state I could faintly hear the pitter patter of footsteps approaching, then someone rudely slammed a book in my face causing a loud noise to reverberate through the area and startling me (and Jim and Toby) awake.

I jumped out of my ball moving my arms around looking from side to side and ended up blurting out in Spanish "¡LO SIENTO, SEÑOR DRAAL! ¡NO ME FALLES!" I looked up at Blinky who was standing in front of me with the book in his hands and blinked twice as I processed what happened.

"The training of troll history might seem like a minor duty, mistress Amber, but-" Blinky began to say but I interrupted him almost immediately.

"I'm really sorry it seems really cool and stuff but I didn't get much sleep last night. I had to study for my Spanish Comprehension exam and my brain has just fucking died." I tried explaining my tiredness to my mentor. "And also kinda thought that if I'm gonna have to face Draal in a week that there'd be... I don't know? More action?"

I stood up from the floor and let out a yawn then stretched my arms up and behind my back looking to the side Aaarrrgghh appeared to be doing the same. Kirili seemed to have a lot more energy than me and bounded over to me and Blinky and pretended to fight me. "Yeah! Like you know! When she gonna learn some Troll-kwondo? Or Rock-itsu?" She let out a small laugh at her own joke which I just rolled my eyes at. She then wrapped her arm around my shoulder leaning on me considering she was taller (but only by a small margin).

Blinky looked at the two of us and began to explain his reasoning for the troll history lesson "Before one fights, Krill-ili. one must understand why one fights. For these precious early steps will decide whether a young Trollhunter will become a Deya the Deliverer..."

The thought of the statue of the strong troll came to mind at the mention of her name which made me smile "Or Unkar the Unfortunate." Aaarrrgghh mentioned making me grimace and a shiver run down my spine as I remember what happened to him.

Kirili and I gave each other a look and she just nodded her head slightly. I looked back at Blinky and stepped forward "well tomorrow is my Spanish exam with Senor Uhl "the Unforgiving." My concern at the moment is for the immediate future." I tried explaining.

"A-ha! But to learn what will happen in the future, one must only look to the past." He held up the troll book then dropped it into my arms. I was surprised by how heavy it was as it weighed me down " recommend A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore by the venerable Bedehilde. Volume one of 47."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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