Chapter 5 ~ I Dont Know If I Can Do This

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I approached the door of my house and went to open it. I peak my head in and see that the lights in the kitchen are on. Mum and dad must be making dinner. I glanced from side to side to see if the coast was clear. Once I determined that it was, I tiptoed to the stairs quietly and began to crawl up as fast and quiet as possible. When I heard my mothers voice from the kitchen I realized I was fucked. "Amber honey we're in the kitchen!"

I came down from the stairs and approached the kitchen walking inside to see my mum and dad. "Hey mum. Hey dad. You guys will not believe what happened to Kirili..." I say trailing off from what I was saying to see how my parents would react.

"Mmhhh that's great honey." My mum answered not even caring about what I was saying. "Here's your dinner, now head up to bed." She said, thrusting a plate of food towards me.

"You-you don't even care..." I utter, upset with my parent's response. My dad was off to the side eating his dinner with a newspaper next to him.

"We're very busy Amber. We can't be distracted now, go to bed." My dad ordered sternly. My face scrunched up in anger. How dare they! Even though I didn't want to get in trouble they should at least be a little worried about me! I know Kirili's mum would be.

"Fine then!" Spoke venom dripping from my voice. I turned around and left the kitchen. The anger that was clearly shown on my face evaporated and morphed into a sad expression. Tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes. I approached the stairs and was about to go up them but before I did I heard what sounded like leaves rustling. I turned around and looked out the window but saw nothing.

I walk up the stairs and into my room I place the plate of food on my bedside table and collapse onto my bed, my face hidden in my pillow. I let a few tears slip from my eyes onto my pillow. Today has not been the best. I look to my left at my dinner and grab some of it and take a sad bite and place it back down and put my face back into my pillow and fall asleep.


I was currently in the Hero's forge training with Blinky. Kirili, Toby and Jim were off to the side watching me with Aaarrrgghh next to them. Kirili was trying to copy what I was doing despite the lack of a sword, while Jim and Toby were sitting together munching on popcorn which I have no clue where they got.

I was standing in the center of the forge, Blinky circling me. I was in my armour and standing still with my sword raised in hand. "Widen your stance." He ordered, I moved my legs apart so they were in line with my shoulders. "Keep your frame." I straightened up my back but stayed still "yes that's right. Perfect."

"Wow she's a natural." I hear Toby announce from the side and then the crunching of popcorn.

"Now raise your sword Mistress Amber." Blinky commands pushing my sword up slightly as I stayed in the fighting stance. "Yep. Mhmm. head up high stomach in. Yes. Magnificent." Blinky states.

Glancing to my side I see Aaarrrgghh dumping the contents of a brown paper bag into his mouth that Toby had given him. A loud burp could be heard from Aaarrrgghh after he finished what he was eating. "Mmm" Aaarrrgghh hummed "what's this?"

Toby looked to his side at Aaarrrgghh and started to explain what he had given him "Dander from my Nana's Persian and a couple of hairballs." He states extending the a in "and".

Aaarrrgghh lets out another burp then holds up the paper bag looking into it then drops it into his mouth. He pointed at Toby with a smile "mm, tasty." He states then burps again.

I was completely focused on my stance as Blinky was walking around. He then began to say, "the Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules." Only three really? He stops walking and stands in front of me, he points at me and states "Rule number one, always be afraid."

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