Chapter 1 ~ This Is Only The Beginning

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A/N : I don't own any of the characters besides Amber Fox and Kirili Fay the storyline follows most of the story line from the tales of arcadia trilogy just it's edited slightly to input my characters and slightly different events, this story occurs after rise of titans.
There is also swearing just a word of warning.
I hope you enjoy.


Hello my name is Amber Fox. I am a 15 year old girl with brown eyes and long straight brown hair. I live in an American town Called Arcadia Okes which seemed to be the most ordinary town but little did I know it was far from it.


My alarm blared throughout my room, awakening me at 7 o'clock. I sat up from my spot on my comfortable bed. To my left was my closet and to the right a window looking into my backyard, in the right corner stood my mirror with my jewelry inside, in front of my bed my desk and chair and the door was to the left next to the wardrobe. The room had a sweet smell to it, like something you would eat on a summer's day. I rub my eyes trying to get rid of the sleepiness I was feeling. I assumed my parents had already left for work so I was left at home to get to school on my own. I go into my closet looking for something to wear to school. I pulled out some knee high leggings, a shirt, a comfortable jumper and some black flats.

After I got dressed I made my way downstairs where I found my lunch in a brown paper bag on the counter next to another bag and a note from my mum next to them. It read "hey sweetie here's your lunch sorry I couldn't give it to you myself work started early today and your father had already left before me, don't think we'll be home until late and there's also some for Kirili if she wants it. We Love You. ~Mum" I grab the lunches and stuff one into my bag and walk towards the fridge to grab some eggs to make breakfast.

After making and finishing my food I put my dishes in the dishwasher and head towards the garage to get my bike. Once the dark garage had been introduced to the outside light from the garage door opening I saw my best friend Kirili Fay with her bike.

"Amber we're gonna be late we need to hurry." Kirili spoke to me.

"Sorry mum and dad left early, I had to make myself breakfast but they left me lunch." I say walking out of the garage with my bike and bag on my back. "They made some for you too" I say, holding out the small paper bag with food in it towards her.

Kirili smiled and took the bag looking into it "thank your mother when you see her next." She said smiling. We started to walk our bikes towards our school. A slight smile graced my face

"That's only if I can get to see her at all, they're never home anymore" I say my smile turning into a frown saddened by the thought.

"You know you could always come to my place, my mum shouldn't mind," Kirili offered.

"Yeah I'll think about it" I jumped onto my bike and check my phone it was almost 8 O'clock "oh no shit it's almost 8 we need to hurry" I say biking through the forest

"Oh we better not get detention for this." Kirili yelled, frustrated but still following me "If we do I'm blaming you" she yelled.

"Take the canal it'll save us 5 minutes" I yelled back.

"Oh the canal? you know I hate the canal!" Kirili complained.

"Oh come on Kirili it's not that bad."

"Yes! Yes it is! It's terrifying!" The said girl complained but kept going nonetheless.

Once we ride through the forest and were met with the open sight of the white concrete canal, I rode down the slope, Kirili close behind me. I looked to my left there was the usual bridge but beyond it were two boys with their bikes and a pile of rocks? I was confused to say the least. Then Kirili came tumbling down the side of the canal, screaming and crashed directly into me knocking us both over.

A New Trollhunter |~| A Tales of Arcadia StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora