forty eight - back to hogwarts

Start from the beginning

I sighed, and took both his hands in mine, giving them a reassuring squeeze. "You have nothing to worry about. Harlow is dead. We're in Hogwarts. Besides, you'll have plenty of time to look after me once we graduate and get out of here, but we need to take our N.E.W.Ts and I highly doubt they'll let me sit on your lap for that." I explained.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you again... that's all. And the only way I can guarantee that is if you're with me." He admitted, dipping his head slightly.

"And you won't. I promise." I stepped closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and using his shoulders as leverage to stand on the tips of my toes and kiss him. "Now, goodnight. I love you, alright?"

"I love you too. I'll see you first thing tomorrow." He kissed me on the top of the head before leaving to head to the dungeons.

I threw myself on my bed with a loud 'fwooomp', not even bothering to remove my robe and closed my eyes.

"Lara?" I heard Natsai calling me.

I squeezed my eyes shut hard and opened them to see her sitting on the end of my bed.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Perfectly fine, Natty. You didn't have to come all the way out to Manor Cape, you know? I'm surprised Sharp even let you go."

"We didn't exactly give him a choice, Lara." Natty smirked, a small chuckle exiting her mouth.

"Well, I appreciate it. Thank you."

"Not a problem. We were all so worried about you, why didn't you come straight back to Hogwarts, to the hospital wing?"

"You'll have to ask Sebastian. He apparated us. But, he did a great job of fixing me up and making sure I was okay."

Natty smiled softly, before dipping her head, her smile dropping.

"Do you truly love him?" She softly asked me.

"What? Of course I do!"

"Alright. That's all I needed to hear. I'm sorry. I just get so worried about you. He's broken your heart twice now and I hate seeing one of my best friends in such a state. When you didn't come back, we were so worried."

I dipped my head. I knew where Natty was coming from, and she was right. But Sebastian was complicated. I know he's a good person, but his deep seeded traumas and unresolved issues made him difficult to read sometimes and caused him to make rash decisions... but he was getting better. He was being better. I know I probably seemed insane running back to him all the time and to be honest I probably was but love makes you do crazy things, doesn't it?

"I'll be fine, Natty. You need to trust my judgement. I appreciate your concern."

No, I don't...

I kicked Natty off my bed and changed into my nightgown, hoping for finally a good nights rest though Natty's probing question about my love for him lingered in my mind. I knew Sebastian's past mistakes and complexities made others doubt him, but I believed in his capacity to change.

Sebastian's POV

A wave of anxiety hit me as walked back to the common room alone. I was never an anxious person so this feeling of overwhelming dread was new and uncomfortable. I didn't like it.

I slumped on the lounge in front of the fire place when I got back, ignoring the buzz of the common room alive with students walking around getting ready to study or go to bed or whatever else they do.


It was Ominis, he was standing behind me.


Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now