forty eight - back to hogwarts

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Sebastian and I managed to slip back to our common rooms, skillfully avoiding the bustling crowds. After a refreshing and well needed shower, I changed into my uniform. As I stood before the mirror, I noticed faint remnants of bruising on my stomach. When I told Sebastian he wasn't hurting me, I wasn't entirely truthful. My stomach still ached but I guess I was just grateful and horny. It was worth it at the time, but boy, was I feeling it now.

I pulled down my blouse and tucked it into my skirt, choosing to forgo a corset today for obvious reasons before layering a vest over the top and shrugging on my robe and red Gryffindor tie.

As I entered the Great Hall for breakfast, I spotted my group of friends already seated in our usual spot at the Slytherin table. Poppy, ever the exuberant one, leaped from her seat and dashed towards me, practically crashing into me with a bone-crushing hug. I winced at the contact, my body still tender.

"Lara!" Poppy exclaimed, concern etched across her face. She took a step back, scanning my body with worried eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled, lying a little.

She looked up at me, a look of pity in her eyes and linked her arm in mine. She pulled me down to sit next to her and took it upon herself to pile my plate full of food. She was definitely the mother hen of this group.

I picked a little bit at my food and saw everyone turn their attention to the footsteps approaching us. I lifted my head to see Sebastian walking towards us. I smiled when I noticed he'd shaved his face.

Poppy casually slid over to make space and Sebastian slotted himself in between us.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He said, laying a kiss on my head.

"I feel good." I said, laying my weary head on his shoulder as he instinctively wrapped his arm around me, tucking me in closer.

"Wait, are you... back together?" Natty asked, her eyes widening as her finger wagged between us.

The heads of everyone at the table, including Imelda and Garreth who were sitting a few metres up, whipped to look at us.

"Uh..." I began, not even sure how to answer that question. Sebastian told me he wasn't going to ask me to be his girlfriend again.

"Yes, we are." Sebastian declared. He gently squeezed my arm, as if reaffirming the truth to me as well.

The group collectively broke out into 'aww's' and 'oooh's' and one resounding 'ughh' from Ominis.

"Alright, back to your breakfast." Sebastian demanded of them, releasing me from his grip and serving himself some food.

Sebastian's hand slid down my arm, his fingers tracing mine before finding their way in between each of them as he walked me to class. Beasts class. I was grateful to be outside rather than in a stuffy classroom.

Actually, Sebastian and I had all our classes together today. Which sounded nice in theory considering we'd just rekindled the love that we always had, but he was becoming a little suffocating. It was like he didn't want to let me out of his sight. He walked me to each class, stood next to me for every conversation, kept a firm hand on my thigh under the table during each lesson. It was becoming too much.

Just as I thought I might get a moments peace after a very uncomfortable dinner where I couldn't even use my knife to cut my potatoes due to him being so close to me, he suggested we go to the Room of Requirement to sleep.

"Seb, I need to go to the common room. I haven't slept there for days! What's going on with you?" I said as we left the Great Hall.

"I... I'm sorry, I'm just absolutely terrified. I don't want to leave you, let you out of my sights. I am so worried something bad is going to happen to you. I want to protect you."

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now