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(The next morning Y/n got ready for her first day of school well more like Bella had to drag her out of bed to get her to change but once she got dressed she hops in the truck with Bella as they both take off to school)

(The next morning Y/n got ready for her first day of school well more like Bella had to drag her out of bed to get her to change but once she got dressed she hops in the truck with Bella as they both take off to school)

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[With her black leather boots]

Y/n: *gets off the truck and notice Bella looks around* No boyfriend today?

Bella: I don't know

Y/n: Hmm maybe he'll show up later come on let's get to class

Bella: I'm surprised you want to go

Y/n: Believe me I don't want to go

(The whole time during school Y/n noticed your cousin looking around the hallways or the cafeteria for her boyfriend she wanted it say something but feel like it wasn't her place so she kept quiet soon it was after school Y/n restive a text)

\\Emily: I can use your skills to help fix my jeep mind helping me out?\\

\\Y/n: Sure thing I'll be there soon\\

(The drive home mini truck was quiet too quiet it made Y/n unease)

Y/n: Bella are you okay?

Bella: I don't know

Y/n: Well you can take a shower it helps clear the mind

Bella: *small smile at Y/n* Thanks

Y/n: No problem

(Once they got to the house Y/n walked straight to her bike)

Y/n: I have to go do something but I'll be back later

Bell: Okay * just looking forward*

(Y/n follow her gaze to see Edward standing there outside the house Y/n just started her bike and rides to Emily)

Y/n: Hey Emily

Emily: Y/n *walks up to Y/n to give her a hug* have you eaten already?

Y/n: Uhmm.. No but if I'm gonna work on your Jeep I prefer not to get oil on my food *both girls laugh*

(Y/n was in the garage fixing the jeep till she got a phone call from her uncle)

Y/n: *answer phone* Hello?

//Charlie: Y/n where are you?//

Y/n: At a friend's fixing their jeep why?

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