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(After a whole day of unpacking Y/n step's back taking a look at her room)

Y/n: Perfect *go's down the stair's to the kitchen to see Bella and Charlie*

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Y/n: Perfect *go's down the stair's to the kitchen to see Bella and Charlie*

Bella: Hey dad is it cool if I can go to the Cullen's? Alice wanted to show me something

Charlie: Alright but don't stay too long out

Bella: Got ya *leaves the house

(Y/n sits across from him at the table taking a bright red apple)

Charlie: Finished unpacking?

Y/n: Yes sir

Charlie: Now I know your mom asked me to watch you and keep you home but you are grown enough to watch yourself so I'll give you the freedom to have fun if you stay out of trouble

Y/n: I will * hold her pinky* pinky promise

Charlie: *chuckles* Alright well I got to go to the station and do some things you good here?

Y/n: Yeah

Charlie: Alright Ill see you later *leave house*

Y/n: Or no *rush up the stairs grabbing her jacket phone and money along with her keys going outside and starting her bike taking off to town*

(Y/n walked out of the store purchasing a few things for her room as she rides back home she noticed a young beautiful woman walking down the road holding her bags to one of them ribs she pulls over to help the woman)

Y/n: Let me help *picking up her groceries*

Women: Oh you don't need too do that

Y/n: *light chuckles* I insist *moved all her stuff into one bag having an extra empty bag putting all her groceries in it then looks up to meet the the young woman's eyes*

Y/n: *light chuckles* I insist *moved all her stuff into one bag having an extra empty bag putting all her groceries in it then looks up to meet the the young woman's eyes*

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Emily: Thank you

Y/n: No problem uhm... Do you need a ride? I can give you one if you like?

Emily: No it's okay I appreciate you helping me out

Y/n: Well then let me help you out again by giving you a ride *friendly smile*

Emily: Okay

Y/n: Let me take those for you *grands the bag's*

(Soon both girls get on the bike Y/n starts the bike as they take off)

Y/n: Why were you walking? If I may ask

Emily: My truck had broken down so I started to walk

Y/n: I can take a look at it if you like?

Emily: Really? You know how to fix a truck?

Y/n: *chuckles* I've learn how to fix cars bikes Jeeps and other vehicles when I was young I even build my bike

Emily: Who taught you how to fix them?

Y/n: My dad

Emily: He must be proud

Y/n: Maybe

Emily: I'm Emily Young, what's your name? *they made it to her place*

Y/n: *turn's off bike* Y/n, Y/n L/n

Emily: Well Y/n *gets off bike* Will you like to stay for dinner?

Y/n: I would love to

(Soon a tow truck brought Emily's truck and Y/n began to fix it up for her later Y/n walked inside to house)

Y/n: Alright your truck is good as new

Emily: Thank you Y/n you no you and I are going to be great friends *soon the door was heard open again* Sam

Sam: Hey *brings Emily into a hug giving her a kiss on the lips then noticed a new face in the room* Who is this?

Emily: My friend Y/n she helped me bring the groceries home and fix the truck since I got stranded

Sam: Really? *Emily nods with a smile he looks at Y/n* thank you for helping my fiance

Y/n: It was no problem

Emily: I had invited her to stay for dinner to thank her for her help *go's to the kitchen*

Sam: Alright

Y/n: Allow me to help

Emily: Thank you

(Later after dinner)

Y/n: Thank you for the dinner Emily it was wonderful

Emily: Your welcome me and Sam enjoy your company are you free tomorrow

Y/n: Yeah

Emily: Great I'll see you tomorrow *holds out a piece of paper* here's my number I may need an extra pair of hands to help me around here it will help me

Y/n: I would love to help you

Emily: Wonderful well I'll let you go get home safe

Y/n: I will *start her bike and drives off*

(Y/n got home before Charlie and Bella she starts making dinner for them she heard the door open and see's Bella)

Y/n: Bella hey-Whow... What happen to your arm?

Bella: I'm fine *hides her arm* it's nothing

Y/n: *walks over* Look more then nothing *take's Bella's hands leading her to the table* stay here real quick * she walks up the stairs grabbing a jar and walks back down taking a seat next to Bella* I use this for my cuts *gently takes Bella's arm* it may be cold at first

Bella: Okay

(Y/n gently rubs her lotion onto Bella's cut it's stinged her a bit the pain went away after she finished putting the lotion she wraps it up on a piece of cloth)

Y/n: There... Now you can eat

Bella: You cooked?

Y/n: Well it is still your birthday and you hate gifts so at least let me cook dinner

Bella: Alright

(Then the door was heard open and comes Charlie)

Charlie: Mmmm... What's that smell?

Bella: Y/n is cooking

Charlie: Smells good

Y/n: Thanks Charlie *once finish cooking she places the plates on the table* dig in

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