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(Kara): Lena.. um you might want to sit for a minute

Lena looks at Kara with concern look

(Lena): what's going on? Why's everyone here?

(Kara): we.. do.. um do you remember when you got captured by Mon-El mother?

(Lena): yeah that was a scary moment and also an amazing moment

(Kara): well.. I guess that's a good thing... but we have a surprise for you

(Mon-El): this is Tyler

Lena looked at Tyler stunned
(Lena): you look just like me.. wha.. how?
Lena looks at Mon-El for answers

(Mon-El): my mother took our hair for dna purposes.. and well here he is

(Lena): well... that's great but why show me him now? And how is he already a teen?

(Mon-El): Irma and I raised him.. when I found out that he existed I took him with us to the 31st century and I waited until he wanted to meet you

Lena was still too stunned to speak

(Kara): so he is yours?

(Mon-El): genetically yes and he has my powers and I wanted to see if you would train him

(Kara): why me?

(Mon-El): because you're the best person to train anyone

(Tyler): it would be an honor to be trained by you

(Lena): wait wait wait wait.. wouldn't he also have some of the witch in him?

(Mon-El): we've tried to run tests on him but it didn't seemed to pop up that's why we need Kara to help him get stronger and possibly what you have will go to him as well

(Kara): I.. I have a busy schedule it's not like how it use to be

(Lena): babe..

Kara looked at Lena with no hesitation of what she just mouthed out

(Alex): I can train him the best I can while you're at work or saving the day

(J'onn): and I can shapeshift into you to give Alex some time with Esme

(Kara): hang on.. hang.. on... you guys aren't serious are you?

(Alex, J'onn): yes

(Kara): okay I will train him only if Lena is okay with it first

(Lena): I.. I mean if he wants to learn sure I don't see a problem with it

(Tyler): awesome thank you for your support actually for everyone's support

Kara heads back to CatCo to get things situated as Lena walks in pissed off

(Lena): HOW... how the hell does Mon-El get to hide a child from me?

(Kara): I'm not sure but I'll get to the bottom of this I know it's a lot to process

(Lena): he doesn't even know me Kara

(Kara): then show him who you are Lena what you can do with your gifts

(Lena): how? He's so caught up in being trained by YOU

(Kara): I can see you are upset and I'm going to take that as a pass to speak to me that way. Lena he is 16 years old, Irma and Mon-El raised him and he seems very polite like Mon-El and has the smarts of you so it's a good thing

(Lena): forget it no one is listening to me at this moment he is a child Kara not some alien that came here in a pod

(Kara): whoa.. okay that was uncalled for

Kara stood up and walked towards Lena to get her to sit down but Lena pushed Kara off

(Kara): Lena don't become rude I was just trying to get you to calm down.. why don't you take him out to the movies or something he doesn't know our world

(Lena): I'm sorry I didn't mean to put my hands on you and you're right

Lena takes Tyler out of tower to go get new clothes and see a movie and eat at her favorite Mexican restaurant

(Tyler): this earth seems a little behind

Lena laughs at the joke

(Lena): it does what was your earth like? Flying cars perhaps?

(Tyler): no no flying cars not for a while though we just hover over the roads but everything is open and computerized

(Lena): how so?

(Tyler): well your technology with HOPE advanced at a much more faster rate your HOPE couldn't really understand feelings and emotions but our HOPE can and helps us with everything

(Lena): HOPE is still around? I thought that project was long gone

(Tyler): Irma and I found it at your company, well a tower that is dusted and old, I wanted to know more about you and what you were like, did you and your brother Lex never really get along?

(Lena): yes we never did, there was some good times growing up but after a while he became jealous

(Tyler): yeah no one in the 31st century likes Lex Luthor especially with how he left the cities but they are hyped on Supergirl or Kara Zor-El

(Lena): why.. why do you speak about Kara in a past tense?

(Tyler): you don't know what happens? I mean yeah right now she's alive and thriving but eventually she does get killed

Lena stops walking them back to the tower
(Lena): what do you mean "killed"?

(Tyler): yeah the Anti-Monitor killed her by one single blast

(Lena): oh... oh... that's.. well.. okay we are finally at the tower did you have fun?

(Tyler): I did thank you I hope we can do this again soon

(Lena): yes but after training with Kara

Lena watched Tyler go inside and cried on her way back to Kara's

(Lena): Kara? Are you home?

Lena asks as she walks into a semi empty apartment
She puts down her purse and takes her phone out and sees the news Supergirl is saving the day I guess dinner will be late. Lena hops into the shower and gets into her comfort clothes borrowing Kara's sweatpants. Kara flew in her window to see Lena asleep from a long day of work and spending time with Tyler, Kara heads over and picks her up,
Lena grips the suit in her hands remembering the feeling of the warmth before Lena could wake up she was wrapped under the covers and pressed against Kara

(Kara): I love you Lena Luthor

They both fell asleep fast as Kara couldn't tell her anything about the attack she had to face tonight

Supergirl Season 7Where stories live. Discover now