Chapter 13: Chaos Unleashed

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"This isn't a romance. You're not a damsel in distress and I'm not the handsome prince come to save you." - CJ Roberts


Word by word, the news of Seng challenging Freen for a fight in the circular arena spread, and the crowd swiftly dispersed to gather around the ring, their eyes fixed on the impending clash. Both combatants bowed to each other, and I joined the onlookers, my gaze brimming with intensity.

As the renowned top-ranked student, Freen, known for her extraordinary strength and lightning-fast speed, faced off against Seng, the rankless son of the headmistress with the rare ability to manipulate chaos, weather, and minds, an electric anticipation filled the air. The atmosphere crackled with the promise of a thrilling battle.

Freen's muscles tensed, her body coiled like a spring, while Seng exuded an air of confidence, a mischievous smile gracing his lips. The crowd held its collective breath, eagerly awaiting the clash of these formidable powers.

Without warning, Seng unleashed his chaos manipulation, causing the surroundings to warp and twist, creating a disorienting and erratic environment. The sky darkened, and bolts of lightning crackled ominously overhead. Freen, with her superhuman senses and reflexes, swiftly adapted, her eyes scanning the rapidly changing landscape.

Expanding his powers, Seng attempted to tamper with Freen's mind, yet her indomitable will and mental fortitude shielded her from his influence. Her focus remained unwavering, her determination unyielding.

As the battle raged on, Seng conjured gusts of wind, hurtling debris toward Freen. With a burst of super-speed, she effortlessly evaded the projectiles, her movements blurring with agility. She closed the distance between them in an instant, propelled forward by her incredible strength.

With a mighty punch, Freen struck Seng, sending him hurtling across the battlefield. To everyone's surprise, he swiftly regained his footing, a sly grin adorning his face. Seng retaliated by manipulating the chaos around Freen, distorting her perception of reality. The ground beneath her shifted and morphed, threatening to throw her off balance.

Undeterred, Freen tapped into her superhuman strength, using it to anchor herself and find stability amid the chaos. With each step, she shattered the illusions Seng had created, her determination shining through. She fought against the very fabric of his chaotic influence.

Seng, realizing the tide was turning against him, grew increasingly desperate. He conjured a storm, dark clouds swirling above, and lightning streaking toward Freen. But she was not one to be easily deterred. With bursts of superspeed, she gracefully weaved through the bolts of electricity, evading them with precision.

Closing in on Seng once more, Freen unleashed a flurry of powerful blows, her fists connecting with his body, sending shockwaves through the air. Seng's defenses crumbled, his powers faltering under the relentless assault.

Finally, Freen delivered a final, devastating strike that sent Seng crashing to the ground, defeated. The chaos and storms dissipated, and the environment returned to its normal state. The crowd erupted in cheers, applauding Freen's victorious display of strength and determination.

In awe, I watched as Freen emerged triumphant, her body glistening with sweat, her face radiating a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. Once again, she had proven herself, solidifying her position as the top student of the university.

Filled with a sense of pride and admiration, I was about to join the crowd to congratulate Freen when suddenly, someone covered my head, plunging me into darkness.

When consciousness returned, I found myself in a vast expanse of white, surrounded by a few students donning yellow vests—Geminis. I wondered what they wanted from me.

"You're awake," a girl approached, grabbing my hair and yanking it forcefully.

Restricted by chains, I couldn't move or fight back, enduring the onslaught of slaps and punches that caused my nose to bleed. However, I remained silent.

"Dared to flirt with the rank one just because her girlfriend wasn't around?" the girl scoffed, releasing my hair with a violent tug.

My vision was blurry, but I managed to spit out the blood from my lips. Another forceful slap landed on my face, numbing my senses.

Once I break free from these chains, I'll ensure you're buried six feet underground.

"Love may appear sweet and gentle when it comes to Freen, but she is fierce towards those who attempt to steal her away. Do you understand?" the girl asked again, preparing to strike once more, but someone restrained her.

Freen tightly gripped the girl's hand, causing her to grunt in pain. I heard bones snap before Freen released her hold. The other girls fled, leaving me alone with Freen.

I smiled weakly, resting my head against the back of the chair as the bright lights started to overwhelm my vision. Though my sight grew hazy, I was grateful to have Freen by my side, even though she was the reason I endured this torture.

"Why didn't you call out for me? You know I have enhanced senses," Freen scolded, removing the chains that bound me.

"I promised myself that I would protect myself because I don't want to be a burden," I replied, smiling despite the blood staining my lips.

Freen leaned in, about to kiss me, but I stopped her. There was something I needed to say, but as darkness enveloped my vision, my words remained unspoken.

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