Chapter 3: Restricted Area

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"Every damsel in distress needs a hero..." - Tracy Anne Warren


After finishing my meal, I realized that my hands had become sweaty inside the gloves I was wearing. The discomfort caused them to itch, and I immediately felt the urge to free them before rashes started to develop.

I headed to the washroom in the cafeteria to wash my hands, but as expected, it was packed with students. Considering the enormous student population of over 24,000, it was no surprise that the few washrooms available were constantly occupied. Luckily, the last washroom was unoccupied, so I hurriedly made my way there before any harm could come to my hands.

Relieved to finally remove the gloves, I closed my eyes and fanned myself with my hands, taking a moment to relax before thoroughly washing them.

It was rather puzzling that some students refused to use the vacant washrooms. The facility was spacious enough for at least ten people to wash their hands simultaneously.

"Finally," I whispered to myself as I put the gloves back on.

As I was about to leave the washroom, I noticed Freen entering. Her expressionless face turned towards me, and she glanced at me from head to toe before shaking her head. Without a word, she walked to the sink next to mine and began washing her fingers meticulously. I was taken aback when I saw that she didn't remove any makeup from her face, unlike most students who were heavily covered in it.

Although Freen didn't wear any makeup, she possessed a natural beauty that was truly captivating. It seemed as though she had been bestowed with extraordinary gifts, excelling in strength, intelligence, and now, stunning looks. Perhaps the powers that be had favored her.

Suddenly, Freen stopped and faced me, her eyes devoid of emotion. She pointed to a sign on the washroom door, indicating that it was intended exclusively for the top 10 students.

My knees weakened, and I immediately hurried out. As I left the washroom, I noticed familiar faces outside, patiently waiting for Freen to finish. I had unintentionally observed her while she cleaned her face.

Heng clenched his fist and was about to attack me when, in an instant, Freen stood before me, firmly holding Heng's fist. Tilting her head slightly, she compelled Heng to step back, clearly afraid of the consequences.

Freen gestured for me to leave the area, and I promptly complied. I had no desire to get involved with them. All I wanted was to return to my mother's side, not be caught up in their violence. At that moment, I was unaware of my own abilities, except for my ability to communicate with snakes. I felt defenseless.

"What happened? Why are you trembling?" Irin asked, concerned.

I glanced back and saw Heng standing in front of us. Freen was nowhere to be found, having likely left already. Heng handed me a medal, his eyes burning with rage. Confusion washed over me.

"Heng, she's a newcomer. She doesn't know how to fight," Irin interjected, attempting to return the medal to Heng.

"Then why don't you fight me instead? If you defeat me, I'll willingly give up my rank and settle for 19th place," Heng smirked.

I shook my head, determined. "I'll do it."

Gasps filled the air at my unexpected response.

I couldn't let Irin suffer because of my foolishness.

Just as I was about to accept the medal, a guy suddenly appeared beside me, snatching it away with a smirk.

"Nat?" Irin exclaimed. "He's ranked second."

The crowd erupted in cheers, as if they had all been eagerly awaiting these battles.

Since Nat had taken the medal, Heng had no choice but to fight him.

In a blink of an eye, Nat and Heng disappeared from sight. Irin motioned for me to follow her to the circular arena. It was there that those who accepted and offered the medal would engage in combat, with the higher-ranked individual risking their position against the lower-ranked opponent. If Nat lost, he would fall to rank 3, while Heng would rise to rank 2.

I stood at the edge of the circular arena, my heart pounding in my chest. The fluttering flag in the center symbolized the impending clash. The crowd's eager cheers filled the air as Heng and Nat, two formidable boys, prepared to battle. It was all because of me, my mistake that had led to this moment.

Heng possessed incredible superstrength, his muscles brimming with power, while Nat exuded a grace and speed that seemed almost supernatural. As I watched them face each other, fear gripped me. What if Nat got hurt because of my foolish actions? I had ventured into the restricted area, a place reserved for only the top fighters, and now Nat was fighting on my behalf.

The signal sounded, and the battle erupted with Heng charging forward, his fists clenched tightly. I held my breath, praying that Nat's speed would be enough to keep him safe. Like a blur, Nat evaded Heng's initial onslaught, his movements so quick and precise that they appeared almost impossible to track.

Nat retaliated with lightning-fast strikes, landing blow after blow on Heng's torso and face. However, Heng, fueled by his superhuman strength, shook off the pain and fought back. The resounding clash of their blows sent shivers down my spine.

Nat's agility allowed him to stay one step ahead, effortlessly dodging Heng's heavy punches. It was mesmerizing to witness, yet anxiety gnawed at me. Heng's blows were devastating, and I feared that even Nat's speed wouldn't be enough to withstand them.

Despite Nat's valiant efforts, Heng managed to land a heavy punch, his strength threatening to overwhelm. Nat staggered backward, and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't bear to see him hurt because of my foolishness. Yet, Nat's resilience shone through as he quickly recovered, retaliating with a renewed determination.

Time seemed to blur as the fight continued. Nat's speed was relentless, striking Heng with a flurry of blows. But Heng fought back, his brute force threatening to overpower Nat's agility. The battle teetered on the edge, swinging between victory and defeat.

And then, in what felt like an eternity, Heng finally succumbed to Nat's relentless assault. He collapsed to his knees, his face swollen and bloodied. My heart sank, and tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't bear to see Nat hurt because of my mistake.

Recognizing that the battle was over, Nat stepped back, leaving Heng defeated in the center of the arena. The crowd fell into a hushed silence, their reverence palpable. Nat's eyes met mine, a mixture of exhaustion and determination reflecting in them. I sensed a silent understanding, an unspoken acknowledgement that he had fought for me.

With a nod, Nat turned away, leaving Heng behind. I looked away and saw Freen watching me from a distance. Her expression remained unchanged as she shook her head and walked away in disbelief.

"After this, you should thank Nat," Irin said, and I nodded.

Why did it feel like Freen was observing my every move? And why did Nat intervene at precisely the right moment? What did they want from me?

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